Den brottsförebyggande arbetsmarknaden - En komparativ fallstudie om brottsförebyggande arbete och arbetslivskriminalitet hos arbetsgivarorganisationen Byggföretagen och fackförbundet Byggnads
Aims and objectives: The main purpose of this study is to widen the knowledge on how the
different parties in the Swedish labour market work to prevent crime and how they are working
with the new collective term ‘arbetslivskriminalitet’ (crimes committed in the labour market).
Further I want to see if how they work with crime prevention reflects the Swedish
Method and data: The study is based on semi-structured interviews of key informants complemented
by document analysis and observations.
Results: The results shows that Byggföretagen and Byggnads define arbetslivskriminalitet
quite similar but focuses on different problems within it. It also points out that both Byggföretagen
and Byggnads uses several crime preventive methods which are information and
dialog and education but that they define control and sanctions as crime preventions as well
which could be questioned. They argue that they should not do the authorities work. Their
crime preventive work follows the Swedish model since the collective agreement (Byggavtalet)
contains crime preventive methods as well as much of their work being self-regulated.
Student essay
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Wikström, Linnea
brottsförebyggande, crime prevention, arbetslivskriminalitet, fackförbund, union, arbetsgivarorganisation, employer organisation, den svenska modellen, the swedish model, byggbranschen, Byggnads, Byggföretagen, Braithwaite.