TRANSPARENS, EN NYCKELFAKTOR? En experimentell studie om transparens påverkar förtroendet för användning av artificiell intelligens (AI) som beslutstöd inom hälso- och sjukvårdenssektorn
The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is increasing across various disciplines
within society with significant potential in the healthcare sector. As automation increasingly
replaces tasks traditionally performed by humans, the public’s trust in the new technology
becomes crucial. Trust in the healthcare sector as an institution is essential for its functionality
and effectiveness. This study investigates public perceptions about the use of AI as decisionmaking
tools within the healthcare sector using an experimental design. The study aims to
determine whether enhanced transparency within the decision-making process influences
public trust regarding the use of AI, based on theories of institutional trust and transparency.
The study involved 201 participants and the data was collected in Gothenburg, Sweden between
16/4-2024 until 28/4-2024. The results are in line with the two hypotheses and statistically
significant differences were found between the two groups in the trust levels for AI as decisionmaking
tools. The results imply that transparency has implications for members of society to
trust the technology and should therefore be considered for keeping the public trust for the
healthcare institution. But more research is needed to investigate other factors that may also
impact this trust.
Student essay
Svensson, Jenny
Artificial intelligence, decision- making, transparency, institutional trust, healthcare sector