UPPFATTNINGAR AV ETT NYTT RYSSLAND–VÄRNKRAFT ELLER STRATEGISK TIMEOUT? Inverkan av Rysslandsuppfattning på svensk-finsk nedrustning 1995–2009
This study investigates Swedish and Finnish official perception of Russia following the Cold
War. This is aimed at categorizing changes in perception of Russia over time and assessing the
impact of perception on defense policy. The study uses a comparative method where the
contents of three foreign policy reports of Sweden and Finland respectively are analyzed
according to dimensions based in image theory. Results show that Swedish and Finnish
perceptions of Russia are overall similar between the reports being compared, except for
Finnish perception of Russian relative power being significantly greater. Changes in Swedish
and Finnish official perception do not clearly correlate with changes in defense policy. It is
concluded that governments’ officially expressed perception of other states can not
necessarily be taken as an indication of future defense policy.
Student essay