Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Juridiska institutionen by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Aktiemarknadsbolagets informationsgivning-särskilt om amerikansk och svensk reglering av selektiv information på sekundärmarknaden för värdepapper
(2013-04-12)In my dissertation I examine the disclosure obligations of publicly listed corporations on the securities markets. I adress these issues within both the American and Swedish legal contexts. The purpose of this doctoral ... -
At the Border – EU Law, Asylum and the Spatialities of Fundamental Rights
(2024-02-01)This study is a contribution to the field of critical migration law studies. Examining the externalization of EU migration and border control, it addresses the asymmetry between where EU border control takes place and where ... -
Bioprospecting and deep-sea genetic resources in a fragmenting international law
(2021-05-19)This thesis investigates if public international law manages to function as a coherent system in the case of deep-sea bioprospecting, where rules in three regimes provide seemingly inconsistent obligations for states. Based ... -
Det civilrättsliga i svensk inkomstskatterätt
(2020-09-16)The relationship between tax law and private law has been discussed extensively in the legal sources of Swedish income taxation. However, what is meant by private law has not been elaborated or problematized to any greater ... -
Converging Human and Digital Bodies. Posthumanism, Property, Law.
(2017-05-22)This thesis elaborates a theory for understanding how advanced capitalism commoditizes knowledge to an intensified degree simultaneously as it undoes the divide between human and nonhuman beings. In the text, such theory ... -
Environmental Taxes from the EU State Aid Control System Perspective – A Legal Analysis of the Integration of Environmental Protection
(2024-02-12)This thesis is a legal analysis of environmental taxes enacted by the Member States of the European Union (EU) as a tool to protect the environment from the perspective of the State aid control system (laws, rulings, and ... -
Environmentally Sound Management – Its status and role in the sea-land interface regulation of wastes
(2018-05-25)Waste management is essential for ensuring the earth’s resilience and it remains one of the greatest challenges for our and future generations. As societies experience further population growth and economic development, ... -
Fixing the Shadows – Access to Art and the Legal Concept of the Cultural Commons
(2014-05-12)Fixing the Shadows: Access to Art and the Legal Concept of Cultural Commons studies access to art as knowledge, and the role law plays in facilitating access. The research project discusses how to advance and strengthen ... -
Fondförvaltaransvaret - särskilt om etisk fondförvaltning
(2011-02-02) -
Förvaltning som verksamhet – bidrag till offentligrättens allmänna läror
(2019-05-22)The thesis gives a contribution to the general theory of administrative and public law in order to develop a systematic and conceptual framework for better and more realistic descriptions of public administration. The ... -
Gränsöverskridande insolvens – En studie av den internationella domsrätten för insolvensförfaranden inom EU
(2017-04-18)Questions regarding cross-border insolvency have become the subject of increasing interest in recent years. This is partly due to the ever ongoing globalization as well as the economic crisis in 2008. The thesis investigates ... -
Gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft och rättssäkerhet – för människor med funktionsnedsättning inom rättsområdena SoL och LSS
(2013-09-06)A principle of legitimate expectations exists in a number of countries and legal systems. This thesis examines the implications of the principle and its application on a municipal level and in the administrative courts in ... -
Kontrollägande och uppköpsreglering - Likabehandling vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden och effekterna i bolagsstyrningen
(2020-03-19)A question of growing importance in the corporate governance debate is shareholder engagement in listed companies, and in a legal context, what regulatory interventions that can be made to increase shareholder engagement. ... -
Lagstiftnings ändamålsenlighet – En regleringsteoretisk utvärdering av fjärrvärmelagens potential att skapa förtroende
(2015-09-23)This thesis concerns the question whether it is possible to create trust by the use of legislation. I ask the question whether the Swedish District Heating Act (DHA) can be deemed to be fit for its purpose. I show that ... -
Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation under Double Tax Treaties – with Particular Reference to the Application of Double Tax Treaties in Sweden
(2012-04-03)Kleist, D. 2012. Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation under Double Tax Treaties – with Particular Reference to the Application of Double Tax Treaties in Sweden. Iustus Förlag AB. Uppsala 2012. 372 pp. ISBN ... -
Ett (o)jämställt transportsystem i gränslandet mellan politik och rätt – En genusrättsvetenskaplig studie av rättslig styrning för jämställdhet inom vissa samhällsområden
(2013-12-18)There is a strong connection between transports and power relations. Prevailing gender patterns show that women and men often tend to have different terms and conditions in matters relating to transport in everyday life. ...