Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Juridiska institutionen by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Fondförvaltaransvaret - särskilt om etisk fondförvaltning
(2011-02-02) -
Trade Liberalisation, Health Protection, and the Burden of Proof in WTO Law
(2011-05-25)When a Member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopts a measure which it considers is necessary to protect against a health risk, but which constitutes a barrier to international trade in goods, there is a conflict ... -
Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation under Double Tax Treaties – with Particular Reference to the Application of Double Tax Treaties in Sweden
(2012-04-03)Kleist, D. 2012. Methods for Elimination of Double Taxation under Double Tax Treaties – with Particular Reference to the Application of Double Tax Treaties in Sweden. Iustus Förlag AB. Uppsala 2012. 372 pp. ISBN ... -
Aktiemarknadsbolagets informationsgivning-särskilt om amerikansk och svensk reglering av selektiv information på sekundärmarknaden för värdepapper
(2013-04-12)In my dissertation I examine the disclosure obligations of publicly listed corporations on the securities markets. I adress these issues within both the American and Swedish legal contexts. The purpose of this doctoral ... -
Vidta alla åtgärder som behövs – en rättvetenskaplig studie av arbetsgivarens ansvar att förebygga stressrelaterad ohälsa och uppnå en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö
(2013-05-14)Prevention of stress related ill-health is one of the most important occupational health and safety issues of our time. The Swedish Work Environment Act imposes extensive requirements regarding the psychosocial work ... -
Gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft och rättssäkerhet – för människor med funktionsnedsättning inom rättsområdena SoL och LSS
(2013-09-06)A principle of legitimate expectations exists in a number of countries and legal systems. This thesis examines the implications of the principle and its application on a municipal level and in the administrative courts in ... -
Ett (o)jämställt transportsystem i gränslandet mellan politik och rätt – En genusrättsvetenskaplig studie av rättslig styrning för jämställdhet inom vissa samhällsområden
(2013-12-18)There is a strong connection between transports and power relations. Prevailing gender patterns show that women and men often tend to have different terms and conditions in matters relating to transport in everyday life. ... -
Fixing the Shadows – Access to Art and the Legal Concept of the Cultural Commons
(2014-05-12)Fixing the Shadows: Access to Art and the Legal Concept of Cultural Commons studies access to art as knowledge, and the role law plays in facilitating access. The research project discusses how to advance and strengthen ... -
Om fakultativa regler. En studie av svensk och unionsrättslig reglering av skönsmässigt beslutsfattande i processrättsliga frågor.
(Iustus, 2015-05-19)Increased flexibility has been one of the most consistently pursued goals of civil procedure reforms in Sweden during recent decades, resulting in a near doubling of the number of rules intended to confer discretion upon ... -
Lagstiftnings ändamålsenlighet – En regleringsteoretisk utvärdering av fjärrvärmelagens potential att skapa förtroende
(2015-09-23)This thesis concerns the question whether it is possible to create trust by the use of legislation. I ask the question whether the Swedish District Heating Act (DHA) can be deemed to be fit for its purpose. I show that ... -
The Liability of Credit Rating Agencies to Investors – A Swedish Perspective
(2016-01-21)Credit rating agencies are vital to the operation of the global financial markets. They rate the ability of debtors to make timely interest payments and the likelihood of default. In the wake of the US subprime mortgage ... -
Gränsöverskridande insolvens – En studie av den internationella domsrätten för insolvensförfaranden inom EU
(2017-04-18)Questions regarding cross-border insolvency have become the subject of increasing interest in recent years. This is partly due to the ever ongoing globalization as well as the economic crisis in 2008. The thesis investigates ... -
Rättstillämpningens tystnad. En rättsvetenskaplig narratologisk studie om argumentation och rättsliga uttryck inom civilprocessen
(2017-05-11)The thesis aims to develop methodological concepts that contribute to the under-standing of, and critique of, legal argumentation in court proceedings. The concepts take their onset in narratological terminology and in a ... -
Converging Human and Digital Bodies. Posthumanism, Property, Law.
(2017-05-22)This thesis elaborates a theory for understanding how advanced capitalism commoditizes knowledge to an intensified degree simultaneously as it undoes the divide between human and nonhuman beings. In the text, such theory ... -
Regulating Vessel-Source Air Pollution - Standard-Setting in the Regulation of SOx Emissions
(2017-10-11)Emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) cause considerable global environmental and human health impacts including acidification, climate change, and increased premature deaths in human populations due to serious heart and lung ...