Fem stora förmågor och litteraturläsning. Att strukturera lärande i en tid av mätning och synliggörande
Teaching literature in a time of measurement and visibility is
met with a number of difficulties on several levels. In contemporary
school development there is a wave of methodological
offerings on how to make aims and criteria visible and in line
with Assessment for Learning principles. A secondary grammar
teacher of literature needs to be able to make explicit the
purpose of reading and what qualifies a student’s task at which
grade. This article discusses the presumptive learning object of
literature reading in relation to one popular method of teaching
generic competencies. In this example literature falls short
and is both marginalised and risking instrumentality. Generic
competencies could rewardingly be used in connection with
teaching literature but needs to encompass metacognitive,
aesthetical and experiential learning processes as well as
analytical, communicative, conceptual and practical skills.
LIR. journal
Other description
Ingrid Lindell, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature
& Education, Associated Head of Teacher Training, University
of Gothenburg, Sweden.
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Lindell, Ingrid
teaching literature
generic competences
Publication type
article, peer reviewed scientific