När jag letade efter Göteborg. Bilden och arkivet i (re)konstruktionen av ett ursprung – en visuell autoetnografi
I am presenting a work-in-progress in visual autoethnography,
as it is currently unfolding, based on my experiences as a
foster child in 1960s Sweden. My aim is dual-fold: I will describe
the multi-faceted bricolage cultural analytic method
that I am using in the project, and I will give examples of how
one can tentatively interpret and analyse the visual materials.
My methodological focus is the visualisation of the archive,
where I survey the substantial archival material that directly
concerns my own history, and I then choose textual excerpts
and visual images to weave together and interpret. The visuals
consist of historic images, my own photographs, family shots,
postcards, and vernacular visuals. I use Roland Barthes’ punctum
as a subjective tool, and I rely on reflexive writing and
memory work in writing and in curating the archival material.
I combine the visual and textual into visual synthesises for
sociohistoric analysis and theorising, and I pay special attention
to the gendered traces present in the building that was
once my orphanage. This house served as a women’s prison for
several centuries until the early 1900s, and in its archives one
can catch material hints of the conditions for poor women in
public places and the control of their sexuality in early and
mid-1900s Sweden. I end the article briefly discussing the
different ontological stance of the word and the image, making
a call for letting the image take the lead in my investigation.
LIR. journal
Other description
Ann Kroon is a sociologist and senior lecturer at the
Department of Social Work, Stockholm University. At the moment
she is working on visual ethnographies in Sweden and
Latin-America and expressive photography in urban
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Kroon, Ann
visual autoethnography
bricolage methodology
visual life writing
Publication type
article, peer reviewed scientific