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dc.contributor.authorWaldenstedt, Sophia
dc.identifier.isbn978-91-8069-937-2 (tryckt)
dc.identifier.isbn978-91-8069-938-9 (PDF)
dc.description.abstractAim To explore different aspects of local recurrence of rectal cancer, including intraoperative adverse events as a risk factor, symptoms and diagnosis, survivorship issues and Quality of Life, and to validate data on local recurrence in the Swedish ColoRectal Cancer Registry. Methods Papers I and II are based on a retrospective review of medical records for a regional population-based cohort. Paper III is an international, multicentre qualitative study based on semi-structured, in-depth interviews with long-term survivors. Paper IV is a validation of data on local recurrence in the Swedish ColoRectal Cancer Registry including a national two-year cohort, with a review of medical records as the “gold standard”. Results Intraoperative adverse events were a risk factor for local recurrence (paper I). Most patients were diagnosed with symptomatic disease outside of follow-up. Pain was a possible alarm symptom (paper II). Long-term survivors generally described having a good Quality of Life despite several survivorship issues (paper III). The validity of local recurrence in the Swedish ColoRectal Cancer Registry is inadequate, with ~40% of cases not reported. Conclusions Enabling patients to report symptoms may improve diagnosis of local recurrence. Using a prediction model, including intraoperative adverse events, to select high-risk patients for intensive monitoring could be of value. Local recurrence has a long-lasting impact. However, the Quality of Life of survivors is generally good following adaptation. To be useful, improved validity of local recurrence in the Swedish ColoRectal Cancer Registry is
dc.relation.haspartDelarbete I Waldenstedt S, Bock D, Haglind E, Sjöberg B, Angenete E. Intraoperative adverse events as a risk factor for local recurrence of rectal cancer after resection surgery. Colorectal Dis. 2022 Apr;24(4):449-460. doi: 10.1111/codi.16036. Epub 2022 Jan 10. PMID: 34967100; PMCID: PMC9306731.
dc.relation.haspartDelarbete II Waldenstedt S, Haglind E, Angenete E. Symptoms and diagnosis of local recurrence after rectal cancer treatment. Acta Oncol. 2022 Sep;61(9):1043-1049. doi: 10.1080/0284186X.2022.2106794. Epub 2022 Aug 13. PMID: 35968829.
dc.relation.haspartDelarbete III III. McKigney N, Waldenstedt S, Gonzalez E, van Rees J M, Vind Thaysen H, Angenete E, Velikova G, Brown JM, Harji DP. Survivorship issues in long-term survivors of locally recurrent rectal cancer: a qualitative study Submitted manuscriptsv
dc.relation.haspartDelarbete IV Waldenstedt S, Haglind E, Klintefelt Collet S, Angenete E. Validation of the reporting of local recurrence of rectal cancer in the Swedish ColoRectal Cancer Registry (SCRCR) Manuscriptsv
dc.subjectRectal cancersv
dc.subjectLocal recurrencesv
dc.titleLocal Recurrence of Rectal Cancer: Risk factors, diagnosis and Quality of Lifesv
dc.type.svepDoctoral thesiseng
dc.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophy (Medicine)sv
dc.gup.originUniversity of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academysv
dc.gup.departmentInstitute of Clinical Sciences. Department of Surgerysv
dc.gup.defenceplaceTorsdagen den 5 december 2024, kl. 9.00, Hörsal Arvid Carlsson, Academicum, Medicinaregatan 3, Göteborgsv

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