HUR MITT ÅTERFÖDDA LIV KOMMER SE UT ÄR DÖMT AV MINA HANDLINGAR HÄR OCH NU. En kvantitativ studie om hinduers och buddhisters attityder och beteenden till miljö i den östasiatiska regionen.
Research has identified core values as one of the primary determinants of environmental
attitudes and behaviors. The formation of these values varies among individuals, but religious
affiliation is often the most significant belief system shaping values for believers. Previous
research has focused on Christianity within a Western context, a limited number of studies
have examined Hindus and Buddhists in individual countries. This study contributes by
examining environmental attitudes and behaviors in the region where the majority of Hindus
and Buddhists reside. The belief in reincarnation is crucial for Hindus and Buddhists and has
a distinct connection to encouraging environmental conservation, in contrast to the
Abrahamic eschatologies. Utilizing survey data from the World Values Survey and
conducting a statistical analysis across 14 countries in East Asia, the results indicate that
Hindus are more environmentally positive compared to atheists and seculars. For Buddhists,
the results are mixed, suggesting that geographic context plays a role. This study helps fill the
research gap regarding how religious belief systems influence environmental attitudes and
behaviors, although it does not clarify whether belief in reincarnation is the most crucial
factor among Hindu and Buddhist concepts.
Student essay