Browsing Examensarbeten lärarprogram, avancerad nivå by Title
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Att överleva det första året. En intervjustudie om biologilärares upplevelser av det första året som verksamma gymnasielärare
(2024-06-20)Transition from student teacher to professional teacher is filled with challenges, expectations and curiosity. Extensive research has been made on teachers’ professional start, but despite this research, there is still ... -
Attityder och intresse för biologi hos högstadieelever och hur läraren påverkar detta
(2023-06-12)Interest for biology tends to be fairly neutral. Pupils generally have neither a negative nor a positive attitude towards the subject. If the pupils have a biology-oriented hobby they are more likely to be interested in, ... -
Biologilärarstudenters syn på undervisning om sexualitet och sexuell hälsa i biologiämnet - En intervjustudie
(2024)The purpose of this study is to explore how prepared future biology teachers feel about teaching sexuality and sexual health linked to relationships, identity and consent within the subject of biology. The study also ... -
Digitaliseringens påverkan på högstadiet. Digitala verktygs påverkan på biologilärarnas undervisning
(2024-06-20)The digitalization has transformed the school through new tools and methods for teaching. This qualitative study has examined how digitalization affects biology teachers' pedagogical planning and instruction. Five high ... -
Erfarenheter av undervisning i hälsa. Biologi- och naturkunskapslärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av den egna undervisningen i hälsa samt gymnasieskolans hälsofrämjande arbete
(2024-06-20)Health is a complex concept that includes physical, psychological and social aspect and a prerequisite for learning. In the last 30 years there has been a decline in the mental health off school children. This is ... -
Exkursioner och fjärrundervisning. En studie av lärares uppfattningar om förändrade förutsättningar att genomföra exkursioner under covid- 19-pandemin
(2024-06-20)The covid-19-pandemic was a strain on people’s entire existence. None the least it affected school. Practical and laborative aspects of teaching were suspected to be extra afflicted. Excursions have, within the teaching ... -
Fältstudier i biologi på gymnasiet. Gymnasielärares svar på frågorna vad, hur och varför kopplat till momentet fältstudier.
(2023-06-12)Abstract This thesis examines the purpose of field studies in high school biology from the perspective of teachers in relation to earlier research. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five teachers and focuses ... -
Från observation till teori. En intervjustudie om biologins karaktär och arbetsmetoder.
(2023-06-12)The nature of biology and the nature of practical methods in biology are a part of the core content of the biology syllabus in the Swedish upper secondary school. The nature of biology describes the subject's epistemology ... -
Hur formar AI undervisningen? Lärares uppfattningar om ChatGPT i biologiundervisningen
(2023-06-12)On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT was launched, an artificial intelligence (AI) trained to analyze and generate text at a near-human level. The launch of ChatGPT has been described as a major advancement in AI-human interaction, ... -
I vilka syften genomför lärare laborationer i biologi? En studie utifrån hel- och halvklasslaborationer i undervisningen
(2023-06-12)Labs form part of the curriculum for the biology subject in grades 7 to 9 at upper secondary school and are an important element of biology teaching. The previous research that I have examined in connection with the study ... -
Möjligheter och begränsningar. En kvalitativ studie om biologilärares laborativa undervisning
(2023-06-12)Laboratory work is included in the biology education at upper secondary school and have therefore a central and important role in teaching. The purpose teachers have with laboratory work can vary. Previous studies have ... -
Nya ramar, ny undervisning? Biologilärares tankar om Gy25
(2024-06-20)In the autumn of 2025, a reform known as Gy25 will be implemented in Swedish upper secondary schools. This reform includes new subject syllabuses with revised central content, the abandonment of the current course system ... -
Undervisning på växternas villkor. En intervjustudie om hur lärare implementerar utomhusundervisning i sin undervisning om växter
(2024-06-20)Upper secondary school students’ knowledge of plants is decreasing, and many teachers testify that there is a fundamental bias between plants and animals where animals are seen as more important and more interesting. At ... -
Undervisning utanför klassrummets väggar. En intervjustudie om lärarstudenters syn på undervisning i informella lärmiljöer
(2024-06-20)Informal learning environments are used in today's teaching and research has shown their positive effects on student learning and engagement. This qualitative study aims to explore pre service teachers' experiences and ... -
Viljan att lära. En studie om lärarstudenters förundran inför naturen
(2024-06-20)In school, teachers are expected to stimulate students' curiosity and their own desire to learn. As a biology teacher, I want to promote this, especially since science has developed through people's inner desire to explore. ...