Browsing Examensarbeten lärarprogram, grundläggande nivå by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Undervisning om klimatförändringar. Att möta missförstånd, oro och engagemang
(2022-12-14)Climate change is a current, multidimensional, and complex issue included in the Swedish upper secondary school biology curriculum. Considering that this issue holds many inherent aspects beyond the scientific concepts, ... -
Genteknik i ett utmanande klassrum - vilka faktorer gör det svårt att undervisa om genteknik?
(2022-12-14)In recent years the research in genetic engineering and biotechnology have skyrocketed meaning there’s new tools and conditions caving the road for a scientific future. This has an important role in the education and ... -
Informella lärandemiljöers bidrag till naturvetenskaplig undervisning. En litteraturstudie om hur informella lärandemiljöer påverkar elevers intresse för biologi
(2022-12-14)The purpose of this literature review was to investigate how informal learning environments contribute to students' interests in science and biology. The literature review also aimed to investigate how informal learning ... -
Why aren't the kids down with Darwin? En forskningsöversikt om evolutionsundervisningen
(2022-12-14)The theory of evolution is a complex scientific theory that contains several difficult concepts which can cause difficulties for both students and teachers around the world. In this literature analysis we aim to answer ... -
Låt naturen bilda eleverna. En litteraturstudie om utomhusundervisning
(2022-12-14)The aim of this literature review is to investigate if it is possible to improve students’ knowledge of plants through outdoor education in high school biology. If so, how should such education be implemented? Through ... -
Att bemästra naturvetenskapens språk. Språkliga utmaningar och undervisningsstrategier i biologi.
(2023-11-07)Scientific language is fundamental for learning biology and therefore an important part of becoming an educated member of society. In secondary school biology, communication is part of the course objectives, yet there is ... -
The game changer. Hur AI förändrar undervisning i biologi.
(2023-11-07)The purpose of this work has been to analyze how the implementation of AI in high school has affected biology education from the perspectives of both teachers and students. The study has examined how the increased presence ... -
Inkluderande biologiundervisning. Undervisningsmetoder för att stärka lärandet hos elever med inlärningssvårigheter.
(2023-11-07)Teachers in secondary school experience various challenges and difficulties when it comes to teaching students with learning disabilities. The teachers have described many experiences with these students as unmanageable ... -
Missuppfattningar inom genetiken: En litteraturstudie om hur missuppfattningar inom genetiken hos högstadie- och gymnasieelever kan motverkas
(2024-06-07)In schools, misconceptions about genetics can arise due to several factors, and the consequences of these misunderstandings can be significant. Lack of education can play a central role in the spread of misinformation ... -
Naturens påverkan på elever i skolan: En forskningsöversikt över hur biologiundervisning utomhus påverkar elever med fokus på intresse
(2024-06-07)In the Western world the interest in science in schools is steadily declining. Focusing on interest is important to encourage students to lifelong learning which is a written purpose of the Swedish curriculum. This ...