Naturens påverkan på elever i skolan: En forskningsöversikt över hur biologiundervisning utomhus påverkar elever med fokus på intresse
In the Western world the interest in science in schools is steadily declining. Focusing on
interest is important to encourage students to lifelong learning which is a written purpose of
the Swedish curriculum. This literature study examines if biology education outside in nature
could be a part of the solution for this problem and the question of issue is how can education
outdoor enhance students’ interest for biology and what other aspects does this effect
simultaneously? The method of block search was selected for addressing this question,
utilizing the ERIC and ERC databases. The results show that situational interest increased
with outside education due to aspects such as: novelty, hands-on, knowledge acquisition and
social interaction. Other possible benefits of outside education were identified such as stress
reduction, improved memory, greater motivation, and better focus. Therefor it is concluded
that outside education is a successful way to create interest in students and has other positive
benefits too.
Student essay
Blanksvärd, Jakob
Dahlin, Love
Utomhuspedagogik, intresse, hälsa, motivation, attityd, minne, fokus, litteraturöversikt