The Quest for Bureaucratic Efficiency - Sweden’s Rise and Fall as an Empire
The prevailing literature on global state capacity suggests that: 1) Europe was
pulling ahead of other regions in the early modern period, and 2) state capacity in this
period was mostly dedicated to the purposes of centralizing state power and increasing
military power. The interplay of institutions needed to expand military power and fiscal
expansion was a fundamental factor in these processes. We examine an unlikely
candidate for an empire and expanding state, namely early modern Sweden, where the
construction of bureaucratic structures and the development of the military went in
parallel during the 16th and 17th centuries. Sweden had scarce financial and human
resources, so its expansion was based on an offensive strategy to capture territory and
resources, i.e. that "the war had to pay for itself." The military burden of the expansion
was, in comparative European terms, manageable, and it went hand-in-hand with the
development of an efficient state bureaucracy. The strategy worked well until the early
18th century, when confronted by more powerful enemies and inept domestic
leadership. From the 1720s onwards, military expenditures began a slow decline. The
Swedish state was often forced to rely on revenue from trade to finance wars. However,
a centralized state remained as a long-term structural element for Sweden, even though
it had to eventually open up to trade, commit to political neutrality, and implement a
democratic system.
Eloranta, Jari
Häggqvist, Henric
Karonen, Petri
Land, Jeremy
state capacity
military spending
early modern
Publication type
1653-1000 online
1653-1019 print
Series/Report no.
Göteborg Papers in Economic History 41