Browsing No 5 (2015) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
På liv och död. Om Kristian Gidlunds I kroppen min och autopatografins mediala former
(LIR. journal, 2015)Since the millennium the autobiography as a genre has received a tremendous boost. Especially noticeably has been the major impact of autobiographical stories of illness, so-called autopathographies. One important reason ... -
När jag letade efter Göteborg. Bilden och arkivet i (re)konstruktionen av ett ursprung – en visuell autoetnografi
(LIR. journal, 2015)I am presenting a work-in-progress in visual autoethnography, as it is currently unfolding, based on my experiences as a foster child in 1960s Sweden. My aim is dual-fold: I will describe the multi-faceted bricolage ... -
Det tidigmoderna jagets politik. Christine de Pizans Livre de la cité des dames och Louise Labés Œuvres som självbiografiska manifest
(LIR. journal, 2015)The article investigates Sidonie Smith’s term autobiographical manifesto, in relation to late mideaval and early modern womens’ autobiographical writing and staging of lyrical selves. By relating Smith’s theory to la ... -
Berättelser om brist. Bloggar om ofrivillig barnlöshet
(LIR. journal, 2015)This article studies diary weblogs about involuntary childlessness, focusing on Swedish contemporary weblogs written by heterosexual women. The article suggests that the inability to procreate can be seen as an interruption ... -
Ditt språk ekar genom någon annan till mig. Röster i självbiografiska texter skrivna av kvinnor utan fast boende i Göteborg
(LIR. journal, 2015)This article discusses questions about voices and roles in the welfare system and in literature. Two magazines consisting of autobiographical texts written by visitors to »Huldas Hus« (Hulda’s House) in Gothenburg, a ... -
Längtan efter södern. Om bilden av Italien i brevväxlingen mellan Ellen Key och Hilma Angered Strandberg
(LIR. journal, 2015)Swedish feminist writer and educator Ellen Key (1849–1926) and writer Hilma Angered Strandberg (1855–1927) wrote letters to each other for 37 years (1888–1925). This article focuses on the image of Italy in their ... -
Adelaide Ristori. Världsstjärnan som ideal eller avskräckande exempel
(LIR. journal, 2015)This article deals with the famous Italian actress Adelaide Ristori (1822–1906) who toured all over the world during the second half of the 19th Century. Her celebrated performances in Stockholm in 1879 and 1880 are ... -
Att vittna om sin tid. Framställningar av antisemitism och förföljdas erfarenheter i svensk 1940-talsprosa
(2015)In this article three novels by Margareta Suber (Vänd ditt ansikte till mig, 1942), Marika Stiernstedt (Banketten, 1947) and Gurli Hertzman-Ericson (Hjälteglorian, 1950) are discussed as testimonies of their time, the ... -
Vittnet eller mottagaren? Att skapa traumaestetik istället för att lyssna
(LIR. journal, 2015)The aim of this article is to throw light upon normative features and ethical implications that follow when discussing the problem of ’testimony’ in essays from Testimony. Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, ... -
Genuskrockar, klavertramp och fadäser. Anteckningar om konstruktionen av statsrådet Ulla Lindströms politiska persona
(LIR. journal, 2015)The political diaries of Ulla Lindström caused a great sensation when published in 1966, three years after her resignation as minister without portfolio. She was the only female minister in the Swedish government from ... -
Vem är »Maja Lundgren« i Maja Lundgrens Myggor och tigrar? Fakta och fiktion som ontologi, framställningssätt eller retorisk kommunikationsakt
(2015)Maja Lundgren’s outspoken description in Myggor och tigrar (2007) of the male dominated cultural life of Sweden raised an animated debate in media. Well known authors and journalists felt themselves scandalized and ... -
Editorial - Introduktion
(LIR. journal, 2015) -
»Som en vildfogel i en bur«. Gestaltningen av kvinnlig erfarenhet i Anne Charlotte Lefflers Elfvan
(LIR. journal, 2015)Anne Charlotte Leffler’s play Elfvan (The Elf) (1880) depicts a young woman’s first alienating experience of marriage. The motif of the young woman’s difficulties to fit the role as the governor’s wife in a small Swedish ... -
Konstskapande med kroppen som biografi. Att navigera mellan det okända och det välkända
(LIR. journal, 2015)In this article I seek to describe how to use performativity and acting skills in order to get in touch with and articulate once owns life-experiences beyond the explicit and well known. The question is how I, by physical ... -
Diktens dynamiska sanning. Exemplet Agnes von Krusenstjerna
(LIR. journal, 2015)The article deals with the attention in recent biographical research on agency and strategy concerning the individual’s prospects to shape her public image in relation to existing opportunities and constraints. The ... -
Virtuella identiteter och antibiografi i Tobias Bernstrups konstnärskap
(2015)Swedish multimedia artist Tobias Bernstrup (b. 1970) works in a transboundary universe where reality and fiction merge. I examine how computer games and virtual identities can be understood as artistic tools. I am ...