MENINGSSKAPANDE KRING HÅLLBARHET GENOM INTERN KOMMUNIKATION. En kvalitativ studie om den interna hållbarhetskommunikationen på företaget Boehringer Ingelheim
This paper aims to give an understanding of how internal communication and sustainability
can contribute to sensemaking through different theories about communication, for employees
at a global pharmaceutical company. This through top-down management, internal
sustainability strategies, together with the usage of different types of channels, messages, and
cultures. The study was conducted at the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim and
their employees in Sweden. The method of qualitative semi-structured interviews forms the
basis for the collection of empirical data. Furthermore, the method of qualitative content
analysis is used for the analysis of the material.
In summary, the company has an internal communication strategy, the OMNI Channel
Strategy, initially developed by Corporate – the German head office, and then cascaded
through the company's regions and countries. The company utilizes various communication
channels, including both activities and digital, verbal, or visual channels. The strategy
involves methods for pushing and pulling information from different sources to reach all
employees and ensure they are well-informed. The organization acknowledges the value of
internal communication by using a multitude of channels, leading to a well-functioning
internal communication strategy. The company also promotes a Speak Up Culture where open
and transparent communication is encouraged both formally and informally. This culture can
be viewed as a tool for the internal sustainability strategy, contributing to social control in line
with the theory of strategic communication and sensemaking.
The company also champions an internal sustainability strategy, Sustainability for
Generations (SD4G), divided into three blocks: More Health, More Green, More Potential,
also developed at the level of Corporate. Linking these blocks to the Global Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG) creates clear connections for employees, fostering understanding
and meaning. Integration of the sustainability strategy into the company's internal
communication aims to establish a shared understanding and purpose regarding sustainability.
The internal sustainability communication can therefore be seen as sensemaking, contributing
to a common understanding and attitude toward sustainability communication and strategy.
Sensemaking can also occur in the pursuit of coordinated actions, highlighting the high value
Göteborgs Universitet Kandidatuppsats
Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation Höstterminen 2023
placed on sustainability and the implementation of a shared understanding. Boehringer
Ingelheim Living Values (BILIV) is highlighted as part of the internal sustainability strategy,
representing initiatives originating from employees, to create a common foundation and
purpose around social sustainability. BILIV can be looked at as an organizational tool for
social control to successfully communicate values, norms, and cultural aspects. BILIV can
therefore also contribute to the success of the organization's sustainability strategy.
Corporate's top-down internal communication strategy is considered valuable for providing
transparency, continuity, and efficiency. Local adaptations in the strategy are seen as crucial
to meet specific needs, cultural differences, and make communication meaningful and
effective. The internal communication strategy requires adaptation and translation to ensure
content effectively reaches its recipients and to avoid unintended meaning-making. Local
translations, including linguistic adjustments, demonstrate a well-structured and highly valued
internal communication strategy. Challenges for the company therefore include balancing
global and local needs in communication and ensuring that messages from the global
sustainability strategy reach all levels within the organization. At the same time, local
adaptation and communication continuity are emphasized to avoid misunderstandings and
create a strong company culture.
Student essay
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Henriksson, Lovisa
Intern kommunikation, Meningsskapande, Intern hållbarhetskommunikation, Hållbarhetsstrategier
Series/Report no.