Icke troendes plats i Svenska kyrkan - en analys av icke troendes religiösa aktivitet
The paper is a qualitative study on non-believers’ participation in the Swedish Church and aims to answer questions on why people who have nothing to do with a social institution’s groundwork choose to engage in their work. Why and how can the Swedish Church be important to non-believers? The study begins with a presentation of the problem at hand in which there is stated that research in the area is limited and that further research concerning the topic is needed to understand non-believers’ religious activity. Subsequently I aim to present the research field and theoretical groundwork that aids in the theorisation of data collected. Stemming from a framework in constructionism topics on community, religious socialisation, identity, group belonging and traditionism are discussed to further the analysis on the data. The data has been collected through semi structured interviews and analysed with an approach in Kathy Charmaz’s take on grounded theory. It is a case study on a religious congregation where seven members of the church who do not believe in the Christian form of belief the congregation preaches have answered questions circling the topics religious identity and belonging. The study aims also to understand how the Swedish Church can further their community work to include non-believers and why it should. The results show that community is the keyword for understanding that non-believers have a place in the Swedish Church and that secularism is a limited viewpoint that complicates the understanding of non-believers. Further the results state that the Swedish Church can aid its members in developing their religious identity, whether that being a believer or other.
The paper will be written in Swedish.
Student essay
Gustafsson, Tove
Icke tro
Svenska kyrkan
religiös socialisation