The Impact of COVID-19 on Abnormal Tone in Corporate Communication: A Comparative Analysis of Affected and Non-Affected Industries
Background and Problem Definition: Effective communication is crucial for stakeholder relationships.
CEO letters convey important information, but during crises, companies and industries may misrepresent
their financial health to maintain a positive impression, potentially through abnormal tone. However,
some may even prioritize transparency and display information content during COVID-19.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to test whether there has been an increased use of tone
management (abnormal tone) in CEO letters during Covid-19 compared to before Covid-19, using data
from 2018 to 2021 including firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The purpose is additionally
to test whether affected industries displayed more abnormal tone than not affected industries due to covid
Research Design and Methodology: The study tests developed hypotheses using a theoretical
framework, and analyzes observations through statistical tests. Tone was calculated using Diction 7.0.
Correlation and multiple regression analysis were conducted to achieve research objectives.
Empirical Results and Analysis: The study shows that in the overall sample abnormal tone in CEO
letters was not higher during the pandemic due to a focus on transparency and information content.
Companies received support from the government and adapted to the new business environment, while
avoiding impression management. However, we also found some evidence for impression management in
industries affected by COVID-19.
Concluding Remarks: While companies prioritized transparency and honesty during the pandemic,
impression management strategies were still employed by industries that were hit hardest by COVID-19.
Master 2-years
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Msc in Accounting and Financial Management
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Bilal, Muhammad
Akash, Tanvir Reza
Abnormal Tone
Affected & Non-Affected Industries
CEO Letter
Impression Management
Information Content
Series/Report no.