A systematic review of the economic evaluation for Covid-19 vaccination for age groups elderly and adult in European countries
Aim: This systematic review aimed to identify empirical evidence of the cost-effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination programs within European countries
among elderly and adult age groups. The result further acted as a parameter to
assess the cost-effectiveness of a similar program in Sweden.
Method: A literature search was conducted in the Medline, Embase, PscyInfo,
CINAHL and Tuft CEA, Cochrane and INAHTA databases in February 2023
with PICO as inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria are economic evaluation
articles with age-group separation, age-group based vaccinated European
residents as population, Covid-19 vaccination as intervention and non vaccinated European residents as control. The search was conducted by two
reviewers with SBU search strategy. Handsearch was done on relevant
websites and reference lists of selected articles. It was continued with
title/abstract screening, full-text screening, and quality and risk of bias
assessment with SBU checklist. The reporting follows guidelines from the
Mastrigt articles.
Results: The screening resulted in 5,720 reports, title/abstract screening
yielded 160 reports and after full text screening, four articles remained. Two
articles with moderate quality were selected for further analysis. The economic
evidence indicated that Covid-19 vaccination is cost-effective in the elderly
age group. Transferability to Sweden was hindered by the contrast difference
in the data source.
Conclusion: According to reviewed studies, the Covid-19 vaccination policy
in the elderly population is cost-effective. The inclusion of the adult age group
in the program depends on the vaccines' prices for it to be cost-effective. In house health economic research is needed to assess the cost-effectiveness of
the Swedish Covid-19 vaccination program.
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