Department of Law / Juridiska institutionen
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Juridiska institutionens skriftserie
Böcker publicerade vid Juridiska institutionen, Handelshögskolan Göteborg
Recent Submissions
Environmental Taxes from the EU State Aid Control System Perspective – A Legal Analysis of the Integration of Environmental Protection
(2024-02-12)This thesis is a legal analysis of environmental taxes enacted by the Member States of the European Union (EU) as a tool to protect the environment from the perspective of the State aid control system (laws, rulings, and ... -
At the Border – EU Law, Asylum and the Spatialities of Fundamental Rights
(2024-02-01)This study is a contribution to the field of critical migration law studies. Examining the externalization of EU migration and border control, it addresses the asymmetry between where EU border control takes place and where ... -
Promoting Gender Equality in Media Content: A Limitation or Extension of Freedom of Expression?
(2023)Is promoting gender equality in media content a limitation or an extension of freedom of expression? This question addresses the complicated intertwining of two political values essential in a democratic system. Whereas ... -
Vänskapens kunskap och kraft. En rättsvetenskaplig studie av vänskapen omkring unga målsägande i sexualbrottmål.
(2023-09-28)This thesis delves into the theoretical and practical legal aspects of friends and friendships among young victims of child sexual abuse. The study examines these friendships and their impact on victims of sexual abuse, ... -
TO BELIEVE OR NOT TO BELIEVE – IS THAT THE QUESTION? A critical study of how the Swedish migration courts handle their responsibility to judge in asylum cases
(2023-05-08)In this dissertation, the Swedish migration courts’ handling of the risk responsibility of judging in asylum cases is studied. An empirical study of cases from the migration courts is followed by a critical analysis of the ... -
Odla fisk rätt - en systemanalytisk undersökning av den rättsliga styrningen av svenskt vattenbruk
(2022-08-23)Undersökningen fokuserar på den rättsliga styrningen av den svenska vattenbruksnäringen – en näring som under lång tid har identifierats som en potentiellt central del i den svenska livsmedelsförsörjningen men som inte har ... -
Autonomy and Beyond – Voluntariness in the Light of Lived Autonomy
(2021)In this article, we aim to introduce and discuss the use of an everyday life-based understanding of autonomy that recognises the fact that a person’s autonomy is constantly changing, rather than stuck in given categories. ... -
Bioprospecting and deep-sea genetic resources in a fragmenting international law
(2021-05-19)This thesis investigates if public international law manages to function as a coherent system in the case of deep-sea bioprospecting, where rules in three regimes provide seemingly inconsistent obligations for states. Based ... -
Scaling Marine and Water Management
(2021-05-05)This book is concerned with the linkages between legal systems and the complexity of nature. It explores how legal delimitations of ecosystems and diffusion of management across different levels of administration affects ... -
Wreck Law - A Systematisation of Legal Interests and Conflicts
(2021-04-14)The purpose of this thesis is to systematise legal interests and conflicts in relation to wrecks and wreck removal. The ambition of the systematisation is to provide a framework and a perspective of this area of law and ... -
Det civilrättsliga i svensk inkomstskatterätt
(2020-09-16)The relationship between tax law and private law has been discussed extensively in the legal sources of Swedish income taxation. However, what is meant by private law has not been elaborated or problematized to any greater ... -
The Common Good in Common Goods - The Decommodification of Fundamental Resources through Law
(2020-05-18)This dissertation is divided into three parts. Part I analyzes the Commons as a post-capitalist strategy accomplished through law by developing an alternative social theory of the market as a social institution. The social ... -
Kontrollägande och uppköpsreglering - Likabehandling vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden och effekterna i bolagsstyrningen
(2020-03-19)A question of growing importance in the corporate governance debate is shareholder engagement in listed companies, and in a legal context, what regulatory interventions that can be made to increase shareholder engagement. ... -
Omöjligt uppdrag. Om rättslig styrning och normkollisioner i skolans kompensatoriska uppdrag
(2019-09-30)The thesis aims to analyze how two ideological concepts, “the individual” and “the collective”, impact the Swedish school system from a legal point of view. On basis of the theoretical groundwork drawn up by professor ... -
The EU investment court system. A viable reform initiative?
(2019-08-21)This thesis studies the Investment Court System - the EU’s response to the backlash against investor-state arbitration, and its contribution to the ongoing multilateral reform initiative in UNCITRAL. It includes, on the ... -
Förvaltning som verksamhet – bidrag till offentligrättens allmänna läror
(2019-05-22)The thesis gives a contribution to the general theory of administrative and public law in order to develop a systematic and conceptual framework for better and more realistic descriptions of public administration. The ... -
Normkritisk granskning av övningsexempel på juristutbildningen i Göteborg
(Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs Universitet, 2018) -
Environmentally Sound Management – Its status and role in the sea-land interface regulation of wastes
(2018-05-25)Waste management is essential for ensuring the earth’s resilience and it remains one of the greatest challenges for our and future generations. As societies experience further population growth and economic development, ... -
Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. Mapping the legal situation - National Study: Sweden
(2015)This report has been elaborated as part of the CHANGE research project ( funded by the BONUS programme and national research funding institutions, in this case the Swedish Environmental ...