Betalningsviljan för Göteborgs botaniska trädgård: En kvantitativ studie baserad på contingent valuation
The willingness to pay for Gothenburg's botanical garden: A quantitative study based on contingent valuation
The aim of this study is to investigate visitors’ willingness to pay for Gothenburg’s botanical garden, based on its current state and after some improvement measures have been taken. For purposes of estimating the willingness to pay, the contingent valuation method was applied. Data was collected through questionnaires, with an open-ended elicitation format, that was handed out to visitors. The study shows that there is a great interest in preserving urban green areas in general, and Gothenburg’s botanical garden in particular. The average willingness to pay for preservation was estimated to be 29 SEK per visit, while the average willingness to pay regarding the improvement measures was estimated to be an additional 17 SEK per visit. Thus, this study concludes that the willingness to pay exceeds the current voluntary entrance fee of 20 SEK. It also shows that the willingness to pay, regarding both preservation and improvements, depends on the visitors’ level of income. Some of the studied income groups have a higher average willingness to pay compared to the lowest income group. Furthermore, it has been found that having visited Gothenburg’s botanical garden more than five times, significantly affects different levels of willingness to pay for preservation. It has also been found that visitors’ age has an impact on different levels of willingness to pay regarding the improvement measures.
Student essay
Bålström, Matilda
Evebring, Alice
Series/Report no.