Wandering Dunes 002
In "Wandering Dunes,” performers mediate cartographic processes with the audience, setting in motion links between maps and frontiers, strategy and war games, and perspectives on territory, power and creativity.
Supported by
Fundação de Serralves
Description of project
"Wandering Dunes” is a performance piece developed by artist-musician Nicholas Bussman, inspired by the sandbox games. The performance traces links between territory maps and frontiers, strategy and war games, kindergartens and imagination fields in a performance featuring several game leaders and a wandering small choir and musicians.
The piece sets in motion a dialogue between three cornerstones: territory, power and creativity. On one side stand the power games and imagination rooted in the past and envisioning the future and, on the other side, the vanishing nomads anchored in the present and resisting settled ownership rules.
In "Wandering Dunes,” different performers become mediators of imaginary cartographic processes with the audience. Each mediator contributes to the process as a pedagogic facilitaror, providing differet performative, instructional and reflective provocations, thus contributing specifically to the the distinct construction of possibles and discovery.
Type of work
Published in
Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves (PT)
Link to web site
Alves, André
active position
imaginary futures
mediating discovery
Publication type
artistic work