Browsing Kandidatuppsatser i finansiell ekonomi by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 203
A quantitative comparative study on VC-backed and non-VC-backed companies’ performance in post-IPO periods A Study on the European markets
(2024-07-05)This thesis investigates the performance differences between venture capital backed companies and non-venture capital backed companies following an IPO in the European market. The study employs an OLS regression model, ... -
A study of the Basel III CVA formula
(2017-07-03)In this thesis we compare the official Basel III method for computing credit value adjustment (CVA) against a model that assumes piecewise constant default intensities for a number of both market and fictive scenarios. CVA ... -
A Study of the Size and Value effect on the Stockholm Stock Exchange - Are there pricing anomalies present on the Stockholm Stock Exchange?
(2019-07-09)This thesis evaluates the financial performance of Swedish small cap stocks over the period 2000-2016. By applying CAPM and the Carhart four-factor model, we find no evidence for a size or a value effect. Furthermore, the ... -
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing, A study about potential closet indexing in the Swedish equity mutual fund industry.
(2020-08-20)We measure the activity of Swedish domiciled equity mutual funds with Sweden as geographical investment universe, by calculating their active share with respect to major market indices like OMX30 GI and OMX Small Cap TR ... -
Abnormal returns for IPOs on the Swedish stock exchange
(2021-06-28)We examine the occurrence of underpricing and short-term performance of a sample of 216 Swedish IPOs between 2017-2021. The theories used are the Efficient Market Hypothesis, Underpricing, Information asymmetry which ... -
Abnormal returns from insider trading - does insider trading generate abnormal returns for the Swedish stock exchange and large cap Stockholm?
(2022-07-11)This paper studies insider trading and abnormal returns on the Large Cap list of the Swedish stock exchange using a sample of 119 firms and 10528 individual transactions between the period 2016-2022. The study is built on ... -
Accuracy of Analysts' Earnings Estimates
(2019-07-05)This thesis investigates consensus and individual analyst firm accuracy in forecasts of earnings per share (EPS) for U.S. stocks in 2009–2018. Moreover, we investigate if the analysts’ forecasting predictiveness is affected ... -
An analysis of the usage of preferred stock in Sweden
(2018-06-29)This paper aims to explain why the few issuers of preferred stock in Sweden have chosen to issue this historically unpopular instrument. We examine characteristics of the issuers of preferred stock related to two possible ... -
An Empirical Evaluation of the Return and Risk Neutrality of Market Neutral Hedge Funds
(2017-06-30)Market neutral is a widely-used investment style for hedge funds. By analysing a data set consisting of 7913 hedge funds, we assess their historical ability to stay neutral towards the U.S. equity market in terms of return ... -
An Empirical Study of CAPM, the Fama-French three-factor and the Fama-French five-factor Model - A Study Performed on the Swedish Stock Market.
(2019-06-26)This thesis aims to add further research about the Fama-French five-factor model and its ability to explain average returns on the Swedish Stock Market. Additionally, the study also investigates and compares the performance ... -
Analys av kredit- och ränterisk över konjunkturcykler - En studie av amerikanska företagsobligationer
(2019-07-09)In recent years, the market for US corporate bonds has recovered from the financial crisis in 2008. Since the credit spread is of great importance to many stakeholders, this thesis has been written with the purpose to ... -
En analys i prestation och aktiv förvaltning mellan svenska large- och small-cap fonde
(2021-06-23)The aim of this thesis is to explore whether there is a significant difference between Swedish large- and small-cap mutual funds. The study will examine each fund’s performance compared to one another. To investigate the ... -
Analyst Recommendations and Stock Returns Evaluating the performance of Nordic markets based on analyst consensus recommendations, and the impact of MiFID II
(2023-07-03)This study evaluates the performance of equity analysts who cover publicly traded stocks in the Nordic markets. To assess their performance, we employ a method that involves creating daily rebalanced portfolios based on ... -
Analyzing investments made in conjunction with the announcement of rights issues between 2014-2018
(2020-07-03)Rights issues are a common way for companies to attain funding. The rights to buy stocks are usually sold with a discount to the investor. The goal of this essay is to study price movements associated with the announcement ... -
Application of the Kelly Criterion on a Self-Financing Trading Portfolio -An empirical study on the Swedish stock market from 2005-2015
(2017-07-05)A Kelly strategy theoretically optimizes the growth rate of investor’s capital. This paper evaluates its usefulness on the Swedish stock market between 2005 and 2015 by comparing returns to that of common portfolio strategies ... -
Artificial Intelligence in Fund Management
(2023-07-03)This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of the benefits, limitations and future improvements of AI in fund management, it also tries to understand to what degree AI can substitute the human element. By conducting ... -
Asymmetriska relationer mellan kunder och finansiella rådgivare. En studie av hur kunders finansiella kunskapsnivåer påverkar relationen och hur MiFID II avser att hantera asymmetriproblematiken
(2017-07-04)Both demand and supply of financial advice are increasing because of the complexity of financial products and people’s difficulty in making economic decisions. Previous research has identified asymmetries between customers ... -
Är OMXS 30 effektiv enligt den semi-starka formen av den effektiva marknadshypotesen?
(2022-07-01)Den effektiva marknadshypotesen gör gällande att informationen som offentliggörs på marknaden skall vara tillgänglig samt bedömas på ett rationellt sätt av investerare. Däremot så är antagandet om ett rationellt beteende ... -
Bank Stability and Economic Growth: Panel Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic
(2023-07-03)This study aims to investigate the relationship between bank stability and economic growth, and in particular if it changes during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is investigated by means of a panel data ... -
Beyond Profits: Exploring the Investment Styles and Risk-Adjusted Returns of ESG-Driven Portfolios
(2023-07-06)This study uses daily data to examine how different ESG implementations affect performance and portfolio characteristics. With a non-homogenous view of how ESG investing is defined, ten different value-weighted portfolios ...