Conflict over Climate Change Politics - Governmentality and Resistance to the Expansion of Heathrow Airport
In 2008, the so-called Climate Change Act went through the UK Parliament. The bill was a commitment
to radically reduce carbon emissions. During the same period of time, a third runway was planned at
the London Heathrow airport. The aim with this paper is to analyse the controversy that occurs over
how the expansion of civil aviation can be connected or disconnected from the politics of climate
change. The specific case of Heathrow expansion brings to the fore how certain domains and economic
spheres are contested, as they become subjects for incorporation with climate change policy as a
discursive practice. In focus of the study are debates in the UK Parliament, as well as
contestations in the form of direct actions by the activist network “Plane Stupid”. A disparity in
the debate exists between “carbon budget” and “technological enframing”: two competing programmes
of government. The distinction between these programmes derives from a difference of relativising
and absolutising rationalities. The parliament’s decision over Heathrow is an attempt to mitigate
the conflict between conflicting policies. In the direct actions by Plane Stupid the issue is
however demonstrated as a conflict, and absolute connections between the question of Heathrow
and climate change are visualised. By making contestations of programmes and techniques of
government, the practice of resistance relates to and utilise the productive powers of
governmentality. The conflict of Heathrow touches upon dynamics of discursive modifications. The
control and capacity to define the character of a problem are productive powers that are subjects
for continuous negotiations, contestations and conflicts.
Student essay
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Svenberg, Sebastian
Climate change
Practice of resistance
Heathrow expansion
Programmes of government
Carbon budget
Technological enframing