Browsing Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för ekonomi och samhälle, avdelningen för kulturgeografi (2013-) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Målkonflikten mellan tät stadsmiljö och kollektivtrafik i fallet Litteraturgatan - Samband mellan institutionella och fysiska barriärer
(2017-06-27)Synen på hur en tät stadsbebyggelse och en förstärkt kollektivtrafik ska kunna interagera med varandra skiljer sig åt mellan trafik- och stadsplanerare. Institutionella förutsättningar kan skapa barriärer mellan planeringsaktörer ... -
Den ekonomiska dimensionen i hållbar stadsutveckling - Hur berörs ekonomisk hållbarhet i stadsutvecklingsprojekt?
(2017-07-06)Syftet med studien är att ta reda på om och på vilket sätt den ekonomiska dimensionen berörs och hanteras i stadsutvecklingsprojekt som syftar till att bidra till hållbar stadsutveckling. Vidare är syftet att se på vad ... -
Friluftslivets omfattning i kommunala översiktsplaner - En fallstudie av Västra Götalands län med utgångspunkt i riksdagens friluftsmål
(2017-07-27)Utifrån regeringens proposition om framtidens friluftsliv med syfte att ”stödja människors möjligheter att vistas i naturen och utöva friluftsliv där allemansrätten är en grund för friluftslivet” har riksdagen formulerat ... -
Accessibility strategies beyond private, motorized automobility – informing sustainability? A study of carless families with young children in Gothenburg
(2017-08-16)In the face of major sustainability challenges posed by social exclusion and ecologic degradation there is a pressing need to change mobility practices as well as the physical structures that condition mobility. The ... -
Swedish Trade Unions’ Alliances - Geographical strategies and motivations
(2017-08-17)Workers’ agency, and their struggles to potentially increase their agency, has been and still is intriguing labour geographers. The relevance and potential of the role of the trade union for workers’ power is an interesting ... -
Balancing use and conservation in marine spatial planning - Perspectives of sustainability and the ecosystem approach in a Swedish context
(2018-03-13)The environmental concern and interest in marine resources are growing, which is reflected within marine policies in the European Union. In 2007 the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) was adopted, aiming at collecting and ... -
Västlänken - Infrastruktursatsning i envägskommunikation eller dialog?
(2018-08-09)This study is about the participatory planning that took place regarding the planning of Västlänken. In the 1980s preliminary studies begun concerning the infrastructure project, which has gained momentum today. Västlänken, ... -
Grön Platsmarknadsföring: En fallstudie av Växjö & Malmö
(2018-08-09)Grön platsmarknadsföring är ett koncept som nyligen uppstått som ett forskningsområde och har uppstått som ett resultat av ett ökat intresse från lokala makthavare att marknadsföra sig som gröna. Detta är i sin tur ... -
Accessible space? Urban youths’ needs and barriers in everyday life
(2018-08-09)In the light of new sustainability challenges in cities brought forward by increasing urban populations, the realm of urban transportation research has gradually digressed from planning for accessibility by mobility to ... -
Planning from visions: An investigation of the future of Gamlestaden
(2018-08-09)This study concerns the vision regarding construction in Gamlestaden. During the last century the urban district Gamlestaden in Gothenburg, Sweden, has been regarded as a node for the industry that came to define the city. ... -
Marine Spatial Planning - From a municipal perspective
(2018-09-14)Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) aims to, through physical planning of the marine areas, contribute to a sustainable development where various interests can get along. This master thesis concerns Marine Spatial Planning ... -
Where is ‘elsewhere’ in biodiversity offsetting? A political-geographical exploration of values and localizations of offset measures in two development projects of Port of Gothenburg, Sweden
(2020-08-20)Ekologisk kompensation är en relativt ny åtgärd vilket syftar till att minska förlusten av ekologiska värden i samband med stads- och infrastrukturutvecklingsprojekt. Tidigare forskning om ekologisk kompensation har främst ... -
How can socioducts contribute to urban social sustainability? A case study of the two eco/socioducts in Hammarby Sjöstad
(2020-08-29)Since traditional methods of bridging physical barriers, such as roads and railways, have not fully solved the problem of creating safe and attractive environments, new solutions have emerged. Socioducts aims to bridge ... -
Nature is just around the corner. Exploring experiences along the way of everyday walks
(2021-06-23)With a growing interest in the potential sustainability and health benefits of walking and human-nature relations in urban areas, researchers have pointed out a need to consider the everyday settings people move around ... -
TIME FOR SHIFT CHANGE IN THE FABRIC OF EXISTENCE Exploring the role of darkness and artificial light for humans and biodiversity
(2021-06-23)Den här uppsatsen tar avstamp i förlusten av biologisk mångfald, och då specifik förlusten av biologisk mångfald på grund av överflödigt artificiellt ljus under dygnets mörka timmar, även kallat ljusföroreningar. Den ... -
Space-Time Autonomy by Proximity - A Qualitative Study of Girls´ Accessibility by Proximity in Gothenburg
(2021-11-03)The urban city is a melting pot of different people, groups of people, experiences, desires, and strivings organized within a shared space and connected through a variety of networks. In this shared urban space, it is ... -
Where life happens. Proximity, everyday life strategies, and gender in the dense city
(2021-12-07)This thesis is about the everyday life in the dense city, and gendered aspects of the everyday. Drawing on the fact that many cities densify in order to increase sustainability, and that gender differences in terms of ... -
Environmentally friendly, or friendly environment? Exploring environmental sustainability as a motive for residential mobility
(2022-08-10)Considering worldwide urban growth, and the challenges involved concerning sustainable development, the aim of this thesis is to broaden knowledge about the drivers and motivations concerning intra-urban residential mobility. ... -
The voluntary carless and their leisure mobility
(2022-08-17)In the strive to decrease car dependence, novel ways of thinking about mobility is needed. In this regard, much can be learned from those who voluntarily have refrained from car ownership. However, few studies have focused ... -
Elderly’s everyday travel as an effect of the pandemic. Understanding travel in Gothenburg from a capability and gender approach
(2022-08-23)People's everyday travel changed dramatically when the world was affected by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. One group that has been particularly affected by the pandemic, not least by limiting their social contacts or avoiding ...