Now showing items 1-10 of 76
Bureaucracy, Politics and Corruption
Most comparative studies on corruption are geared towards the analysis of factors dealing with the selection and the incentives of actors taking policy decisions in a state. With few exceptions, such as Rauch & Evans (2000), ...
Parties, Congress, and the Stock Market
Recent literature in both finance and political science has identified a series of
systematic patterns in the way stock market responds to significant political events.
The lack of a common theoretical core as well as ...
Unbundling secure property rights
Navigating Towards Effective Fishery Management: Exploring the Impact of Imbalanced Burdens on Regime Legitimacy
Despite two decades of the Common Fishery Policy (CFP), the fishery politics of the European Union (EU) is considered a failure when it comes to securing fish-stocks. This paper explores reasons to this state of affairs ...
Elections as Levers of Democracy: A Global Inquiry
In this paper we purport to test the proposition that elections have a democratizing effect, drawing on cross-sectional time-series data at best covering a global sample of 193 countries from 1919 to 2004. Two versions of ...
Formal and Informal Institutions in Groundwater Governance in Rajasthan: A Case Study of Chota Nayrana and Tilona Village
This paper examines the sustainable preservation of natural resources at the community level, with an emphasis on groundwater resources in Rajasthan, India. Considering that water is one of the resources that have been ...
Hidden Treasure or Sinking Ship? Diagnosing the Study of Political Leadership
The study of leadership leads a rather languishing life in the discipline of political science. In this article, we explore the literature on political leadership in order to 1) identify the obstacles that have prevented ...
Driving Forces behind Gender Equality - A Cross-Country Comparison
There is a growing body of research acknowledging the lack of good cross-country
comparisons that contribute to the understanding of what drives change in society, i.e.
what make some countries more gender equal than ...
Effects of Politicization on Welfare State Policies: Comparing Polic Impacts of Politically Appointed Officials in 18 Mature Democracies
This paper argues that in order to explain policy output, we need to better understand the role of key bureaucrats. It suggests that ministerial advisers are influential in determining the character of policy output and ...