Magisteruppsatser i journalistik: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 106
Nutshell Paragraphs, Fact-Base or Propaganda: How Do Nutshell paragraphs in five news media reflect an international crisis?
(2023-10-10)Abstract Thesis: 15 hp Program and/or course: Master’s program in Investigative Journalism (MIJ), Master´s thesis in Investigative Journalism, JU2603 Level: Second Cycle Semester/year: St/2023 Supervisor: Mathias ... -
IDENTITY & TECHNO-UTOPIANISM.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Marketing Material and their Sociotechnical Imaginaries
(2021-10-12)This research paper sets out to investigate the messaging present in a corpus of texts gathered from Acxiom’s, an American data-analysis and ‘Identity Solutions’-company, website. The paper applies a framework of Critical ... -
PUBLIC TRUST IN POLITICAL INVESTIGATIONS Investigative Journalism Taken Over by Politicians in Armeni
(2021-09-14)Purpose: The aim of the research is to juxtapose the public trust towards investigations carried out by investigative journalists with the ones conducted by politicians in Armenia. The thesis also seeks to reveal the ... -
Comparing Media Systems Applied in Post-Soviet Countries Political Parallelism and Role of the State in Armenia, Belarus and Russia
(2021-09-14)Purpose: The research aims to reveal the media models operating in the selected three post-Soviet countries: Armenia, Belarus, Russia. As the latters have a joint history the thesis seeks to find out the historica, economic ... -
"You nibble away at the edges": A qualitative analysis of climate journalism practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
(2021-09-14)Anthropogenic climate change is a wicked problem and the nature of the climate discourse propagated through media outlets is one key component in shaping how the public understand and act upon its causes and ramifications. ... -
"I'LL NEVER DO INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM HERE IN TANZANIA IN MY ENTIRE LIFE" Challenges of press freedom and female journalists in mainland Tanzania
(2021-09-14)Purpose: The aim of the study is to reflect the perceived professional identities of female journalists in relation to investigative journalism and how much the legislative restrictions by the state change their perceived ... -
The Audience as Investigator
(2021-08-19)Journalism, a discipline traditionally formed by a variety of disruptions, currently faces a disruption with global dimension: The digitalisation represents a democratisation of content, which allows various kinds of new ... -
Andrianos Political Investment
(2021-04-08)The story is placed in Argolis, a small prefecture of about 97.000 people in the south of Greece. There within a two year period between 2013 and 2014 was planned to take place 26 sports infrastructure projects through ... -
A possibility, a threat, a denial? How news robots affect journalists’ work practices and professional identity
(2021-04-08)The aim of the thesis is to gather an understanding on how news robots have influenced and will influence journalists’ work. This thesis also seeks to explain how journalists’ attitudes towards news robots have changed ... -
Transcendental Mediation. A critical analysis of journalistic transparency
(2021-04-07)Transparency has been advanced as a potential remedy for falling trust in journalism. By allowing readers to see more of the production process, journalism is thought to become more trust-worthy. This thesis offers a ... -
Can generalised trust in news media change media exposure patterns?
(2020-10-12)The question of how trust in news media relates to news media exposure patterns attracts considerable attention from both scholars and society in general. Many previous studies have found that trust in news media positively ... -
Coronavirus and the use of Twitter amongst journalists: A mixed-method analysis
(2020-10-12)The coronavirus pandemic has had an enormous impact on humanity and news media has become dominated by coverage of the virus. This thesis examines the ways in which journalists have used Twitter during this time. Focus was ... -
DYNAMISKA NYHETER. Hur nyheter uppdateras och rör sig på nätet.
(2016-08-23)This essay examines how specific news stories are updated over time, after the first version of the news article is published. The study’s result shows that the selected news stories are updated frequently. All of the ... -
Prisoners of their own dream
(2016-08-23)The trafficking of young African footballers is on the rise. Every year thousands of children make their way to Europe in the hope of becoming the next footballing superstar. Yet the majority of these players will end up ... -
Samma asylskäl – olika frågor. Migrationsverkets bemötande av HBTQflyktingar
(2016-08-19)Migrationsverket bemöter asylsökande HBTQpersoner på helt olika sätt, trots att de sökt av likartade skäl och runt samma tidpunkt. En förklaring kan vara bristande HBTQkompetens, och att handläggarna har stereotypa ... -
Äldre: På gränsen mellan hem och hemlöshet En kvantitativ studie om vräkta personer över 65 år
(2016-08-19)De flesta har någon gång i sitt liv föreställt sig hur det kommer att bli när man är gammal. Nog har de flesta en plan på var någonstans man tänker slå rot och bosätta sig i livets slutskede. Hemmet är en plats att knyta ... -
De som räddar sporten En kvantitativ studie över fotbollsdomarna i Varbergs kommun
(2016-08-19)Runt en tiondel av alla Sveriges invånare är på ett eller annat sätt engagerade i en fotbollsförening. Det handlar om allt ifrån spelare och ledare till den äldre herre som säljer lotter i entrén med syftet att föreningen ... -
Basketsmart, det skadeförebyggande programmet som Basketsverige glömde.
(2016-08-19)”Jag sitter ju bredvid hela tiden när de tränar, eller kör min rehab eller tränar skott. Man sitter och ser hela tiden när de blir bättre och jag kan inte ens träna… jag saknar gemenskapen och hur man blir glad av att ... -
ÅSIKTSPROFFSEN En undersökning om hur svensk dagspress bevakar tankesmedjor.
(2016-08-19)Tankesmedjornas makt Antalet svenska tankesmedjor har mer än fördubblats de senaste tio åren. Journalister verkar ha svårt att förhålla sig till de nya opinionsbildarna – ska man alltid låta båda sidor komma till tals ... -
En droppe i havet - om statliga universitets investeringar i fossilindustrin.
(2016-08-19)Källsortering och lågenergilampor. Ekologiska fruktkorgar och cykelbud. De svenska universiteten samlar hållbarhetspoäng på hög och slår sig för bröstet med sitt miljöarbete. Samtidigt investerar de pengar i en direkt ...