Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Liberté de création littéraire ou violation de la vie privée? - Aspects littéraires et juridiques
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2022)
This thesis sets out to explore the clash between two rights. On the one hand the right of every person to protect his or her private life and reputation, on the other the right of an artist to create freely. Taking real ...
La árbitra, la fiscala y la gerenta ¿por qué tan inusuales? - Un nuevo modelo explicativo del nombramiento de las mujeres profesionales españolas
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2022)
The overall aim of this dissertation is to generate a theory explaining the variation in the way the Spaniards, particularly the Spanish women, designate female professionals. Three different studies are included, the first ...
Crenne, Hélisenne de (2023 [1541]). Les quatre premiers livres des Eneydes du treselegant poete Virgile, Traduictz de Latin en prose Francoyse, par ma dame Helisenne. Edition critique établie, présentée et annotée par Britt-Marie Karlsson, Sara Moding & Gunhild Vidén
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2023)