Examensarbeten master, Högskolan för scen och musik
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Bartók på pukor - Ett utforskande av musiken i relation till instuderingsprocessen
(2024-08-28)I detta arbete har Béla Bartóks (1881–1945) sätt att komponera för pukor undersökts. Flera av hans timpanistämmor har instuderats, där stämman ur Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion gavs störst fokus och framfördes med ... -
Staging Inquiry
(2024-08-22)This thesis explores the possible meaning of the concept staging inquiry through reflection on three compositions by the author, a theoretical part and reflections on artistic work from other composers. If understood ... -
Exploring interaction in chamber music ensembles by means of group exercises
(2024-07-03)The purpose of my independent project is to look more closely at interaction/communication and contact in small chamber music groups and find out if there is a way to improve that aspect of playing together with the help ... -
Pipor - Koralvariationer i klusterskulpturer
(2024-06-20)I föreliggande arbete Pipor - koralvariationer i klusterskulpturer beskrivs en kollaborering mellan två olika konstnärliga uttryck där jag själv är utövare som organist och keramiker. Jag undersöker hur de två konstnärliga ... -
Inwards Listening: Meditations on Sound in Search of Silence
(2024-06-20)This thesis, on the one hand, constitutes an exploration of silence within the realm of new music; on the other, it is an attempt at outlining and articulating a particular musical aesthetic. The author — a composer of ... -
Organ and orchestra
(2024-06-20)In this thesis I present my experience of preparing and playing with an orchestra, with an emphasis on technical and musical aspects. There are presented two organs in the European concert halls (Zagreb, Croatia and ... -
Gaspar Cassadó – Suite for cello solo (first movement). Arrangement, edition and recording for viola sola
(2024-06-20)The following independent project is based on the first movement of the Suite for cello solo written by the Spanish composer Gaspar Cassadó. The thesis talks about the process of making an arrangement of the Suite’s first ... -
Spelar jag nå ́n roll? Om interaktion mellan musikaliska rum vid begravningsgudstjänst
(2024-06-20)Musikalisk gestaltning i begravningsgudstjänst är ett gränsöverskridande ämne som i föreliggande undersökning berör såväl teologi, sociologi som konstnärlig forskning. De konstnärliga perspektiven sker i termer av ... -
MAKING TRACES- Embodied listening and interdisciplinary choreographic practices
(2024-06-20)The last decades’ development of the seemingly ever-expanding field of choreography has paved the way for multiple methods, forms, and processes to exist within its frame. The aim with the project Making Traces was to ... -
METAPHORICAL TRANSLATIONS. Poetic Embodied Imagery in my Performative Practice
(2024-06-20)This two-year artistic research has been an effort to unravel the way my artistic process takes place. The central goal was to explore the aspect of image-making in relation ti the production of stage images in my work. ... -
Testing Different Practice Methods for the Preparation of Violin Orchestral Excerpts
(2024-06-20)This thesis explores three different practice methods that musicians can use to prepare orchestral excerpts for auditions, as well as what preparation strategies should be implemented when learning new excerpts. In this ... -
Dialogic Practices - Essays within an essay on movement partnering – based on the system of contemporary Argentine Tango
(2024-06-20)This project consists of two parts. One site-specific performance and one essayistic writing. The aim is to examine how distinct physical and postural ideas of myself influence the manner of relating to other persons dancing ... -
Keep in Touch- A Performance Research Exploration on the Relation Between the Body, the Screen and Touch
(2024-06-04)My project deals with the relationship between touch, touchscreen and the body, and the way they interact with each other in order to create choreography. The text and the project were created during the time of a global ... -
Black Silence: Sound-art as a divulgative tool about the Genocide of the Patagonia originary peoples in the Conquest of the Desert
(2024-05-15)Black Silence is a sound-art piece that reflects on the genocide of originary peoples from Patagonia and Pampa in the military campaigns called "The Conquest of the Desert" carried out by the Argentine Government between ... -
Softening - a choreographic exploration with trees
(2023-08-22)The purpose of this project is to explore how to connect with nature through an embodied work, understood through a choreographic practice. It seeks to investigate what movements and materials can be generated from a ... -
The Open Mic: A simple performance based medium for shaping musical identity and developing a school choir
(2023-06-26)This study explores the preparations, implementation and results of introducing middle school aged students to an “open mic.” After a decade-long teaching career I reached a point where student engagement, confidence and ... -
Develop sound and efficiency on the piccolo trumpet, a practical first approach to the piccolo trumpet
(2023-06-26)This project is meant to introduce the trumpet player to the piccolo trumpet and its sound. The mixed method based on research, awareness and practice introduce the player to a warm-up routine and basics focus on finding ... -
Tuning the Snare Drum
(2023-06-19)The percussion in the orchestra is always seen as the rhythmic section and the section which gives different colours and effects to the main melody. No one really thinks about the tuning of the percussion instruments but ... -
Changing my sound: Developing the Tone Quality on the Flute with Embouchure Change
(2023-06-14)This thesis studies the embouchure of a flutist and how changing it affects the tone quality of a player. The study was made by exploring literature on the topic of flute technique and embouchure, and by documenting the ... -
Med idretten som læremester. En undersøkelse i treningsmodellers bruksområder under planlegging og gjennomføring av egenøving
(2023-06-12)På musikkakademier verden over arbeider studenter daglig sine solokonserter og orkesterutdrag, med mål å leve av sin lidenskap. Med samme type målsetning står idrettsutøvere opp hver morgen for å gå til sine respektive ...