Browsing Masteruppsatser (IDPP) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 62
Apelsiner och sardiner - en studie av kunskapande processer i tillblivelse
(2017-12-08)In this master thesis I am examining my own pratical and aestethic knowledge processes as reflective practice in their intra-active becoming. My (re)search is informed by the entanglement of matter, theory and method. ... -
Assessing transformative learning impacts on 1st year university students using large-scale conservation projects on students’ environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behaviors
(2023-06-26)Aim: The world today is facing many environmental and sustainability problems.The aim of this research project is to examine the effects of large scale conservation projects on participants' environmental attitudes and ... -
Att iscensätta lärande i estetiska ämnen. Ett exempel från bildområdet
(2013-02-18)Syfte Det övergripande syftet med studien är att identifiera det specifika lärande som elever kan erövra och kommunicera genom estetiska lärprocesser i bildämnet, sett ur en bildlärarstudents perspektiv, baserat på två ... -
ATT VARA LÄRARE I OMVÄRLDEN En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk studie av hur lärarstudenter med bakgrund som civilingenjörer erfar att vara lärare.
(2020-04-07)Syftet är att undersöka hur lärarstudenter med bakgrund som civilingenjör erfar att vara lärare under en ett-årig lärarutbildning (KPU). Studiens mer specifika syfte är att fånga centrala aspekter av identitetsskapande ... -
(2022-06-29)Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of activating the five biophilic values of emotion, contact, meaning, beauty, and compassion to increase upper secondary students’ nature connectedness ... -
Catching waves for sustainability? Investigating action oriented ESD for young surfers
(2023-10-12)Aim: As the surf lifestyle and industry are touching environmental, social and economic sustainability issues, this research aims to investigate action oriented ESD in an institution that is offering surfing activities, ... -
Competency over complaceny - A content analysis of sustainable competencies and abilities within the Swedish school-age educare
(2022-10-05)This content analysis combines the fields Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Swedish School-age Educare (SAEC) by looking at Key Sustainable Competencies and abilities within documents related to the SAEC ... -
Dags att ta plats i katedern – en hermeneutisk studie av katederundervisningsbegreppet på en mediearena
(2018-10-25)The aim of this thesis is to explore the concept of ’katederundervisning’ (teacher-centered teaching) in an educational debate that took place in the Swedish daily paper Dagens Nyheter in 2011. 2011 was the year of a ... -
Datorbaserad bedömning i språk forskningsläge, erfarenheter och implikationer
(2014-04-14)To support uniform and fair assessment of Swedish students’ English language competences, mandatory National tests are provided both for secondary and upper secondary education. The current thesis may be seen as a contribution ... -
Det rätta valet. En fallstudie av skolpersonals upplevelser av att vara konkurrensutsatta på en gymnasieskola
(2022-10-05)The aim of this thesis has been to explore and to analyze how school choices provide different scenarios in a Swedish upper secondary school under the pressure of an urban local school market. The aim is to increase knowledge ... -
DIDAKTISKA PERSPEKTIV PÅ EN BILDUNG-ORIENTERAD BIOLOGIUNDERVISNING -en analys utifrån tysk bildningstradition med exempel från biologilärares praktik på folkhögskola
(2024-03-26)Aim: The aim of the study is to show how a Bildung-oriented biology teaching could be designed, along with providing classroom examples of such teaching. In this study, the term Bildung, is defined based on the German ... -
(2020-10-27)Aim: The aim of this study is to examine students' beliefs about "education for sustainable development", "sustainable development" and development of critical thinking after experiencing online interactions with peers and ... -
EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN SÁPMI An interview study with Sámi education professionals addressing the challenges and opportunities for respecting cultural diversity in education
(2021-06-28)In connection to global ESD discourse concerning the need for education to respect cultural diversity, the aim of this study is to investigate challenges and opportunities encountered by Sámi education professionals regarding ... -
EDUCATION SERVING THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS?! An interview study of the educational foundations, challenges and opportunities in Auroville, India
(2022-11-10)Auroville, in India was created to become a living laboratory for a new way of living and being on Earth. In this context, education in Auroville has a specific purpose. According to the vision of Sri Aurobindo and Mirra ... -
Educators´ perspective on education for sustainable development in childcare centers in Victoria, Australia
(2022-09-26)Aim: The purpose of this research thesis is to describe practices used by childcare centers in the Australian state of Victoria, as well as to understand educators' attitudes, knowledge, and needs regarding ESD. This ... -
Elevens lärande. En kvalitativ studie om elevens medvetenhet om sin lärprocess, lärarens verktyg för att medvetandegöra eleven och lärarens verktyg för att motivera eleven.
(2012-02-16)Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur medvetna elever i år 5 och 6 är om sin egen lärprocess och deras uppfattningar om hur de lär, samt hur lärarna motiverar sina elever och hur de beskriver att de gör ... -
EN STUDIE I MUNTLIG INTERAKTION - Spanska steg 5 och engelska 5 på lika villkor?
(2023-09-28)Aim: The aims in this essay are to provide a description of interactional competence in a pair speaking test in Spanish and English, level B1.2 in a Swedish context. The investigated interactions are made by 14 pairs ... -
Ethics over aesthetics - A content analysis on the inclusion of environmental ethics within the undergraduate architectural curriculum
(2023-10-05)This document analysis study primarily investigates the inclusion of environmental ethics with an undergraduate architectural curriculum in Sweden. The curriculum documents analyzed in this study contain specific literature ... -
Ett undersökande arbete av yrkesrollen som bildlärare. Identitetsutveckling genom samtidskonst och porträttskapande med konstbaserade metoder
(2022-11-14)The present study examines the professional role as an art teacher and how to work with identity development through art-based methods and contemporary art in visual art education. This work is also based on the authors ... -
Experiencing and learning about food and food waste: A phenomenological study of household individuals in Malaysia and Sweden from an ESD perspective
(2023-08-29)Aim: The aim of this study was to map how lived experiences affect the approach towards food and food waste. The study also aimed to map the primary learning sources regarding food and food waste in Malaysia and ...