Now showing items 1-10 of 86
Kvinna & intagen - inte 'kvinnlig' nog enligt Kriminalvården? En studie om Kriminalvårdens arbete med 'Bättre Ut' ur ett kritiskt genusperspektiv.
När kvinnor begår brott tycks de inte bara bryta mot lagen utan även mot de förväntningar
som finns på just kvinnor. Det normativa synsätt som finns på kvinnor genomsyras i allmänheten och därav även inom våra myndigheter. ...
TIVOLI I DEN NYA STADEN - Folkliga kulturvärden i en förändrad stadsbild
This essay examines how ideas that guide current city planning affects traveling fairs and the so called tivoli tradition and its representatives in Sweden. The analysed material includes qualitative interviews with tivoli ...
: Live, Laugh, Lesbian? An orientation towards a happy, non-heterosexual life
The purpose of this study is to explore queer lifelines and concepts of non-heteronormative
sexuality, identity and (un)happiness. The material consists of nine qualitative interviews with lesbian-, bisexual- and ...
MUSIK FÖR HÄLSA En intervjustudie om hur musikterapi upplevs och uppfattas ur ett individperspektiv
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how individuals use music for therapeutic purposes that has affected their health. Issues that relate to music therapy as treatment, music as a tool for everyday life and music ...
Landstigningen i Marseille - Marie de Médicis för med sig kapital, kultur och moderskap till Henri IV och det franska hovet - En målning av Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)
This essay examines a painting by Peter Paul Rubens, now in the Louvre in Paris named Le Débarquement de la reine à Marseille, le 3 novembre 1600 (1623-25). It is one of a series of twentyfour paintings celebrating the ...
PUBLIKUTVECKLING - En kvalitativ analys av ett begrepp i tiden
This study deals with the concept of Audience Development from both a linguistic and a
practical perspective. Due to the complex nature of the concept and the possibilities of
interpretation, we have studied how the ...
“TOALETTKLOTTERGUDARNA BOR PÅ LÅNGEN” Toalettklottrets betydelse för identitet och atmosfär på Andra Långgatan i Göteborg
Cities are made out of complex networks of individuals, cultural phenomena, places and contesting discourses. This essay aims to nuance one of these cultural phenomena; toilet graffiti and try to determine which function(-s) ...
Tv-generationen - Kvinnor födda på 50-talet berättar om tv-mediet
This study is an analysis of eight womens memories and stories about TV. All of the
informants were born in the 1950:s and they are all senior citizens today. Through their
individual stories about the medium they say ...
Wetterlin - En plats som alla andra, men ändå inte. En undersökning om den inre och yttre bilden av ett bostadsområde
How we perceive ourselves in relation to where we live is a matter of how the place we live
in is perceived by society and other people. Ristilammi (1994) points out that neighbourhoods
considered bad reflect badly on ...
Den kollektiva ensamheten - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om äldre individers upplevelser av pandemin covid-19 under året 2020
In the year of 2020 the world was hit by a pandemic named covid-19, or coronavirus disease 2019. The virus affected the entire world population, more or less, and not least the elderly and various risk groups. The virus ...