Magisteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion
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Hur långt bort når världslitteraturen? En läromedelsanalys om representationen av skönlitterära författare som skrivit på andra språk än svenska inom gymnasiekurserna Svenska 1 och 2
(2024-08-13)The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about the representation of fiction authors who have written in languages other than Swedish in educational school books within the Swedish subject. This is done in ... -
Reinkarnationism i Nya Testamentet Paramahansa Yogananda tolkar Johannesprologen
(2024-03-27)Abstract: In this following thesis I enquire the teaching of reincarnation within the New Testament. More specifically I examine how the author Paramahansa Yogananda’s interprets the teaching of reincarnation and ... -
Klosterlasses syn på reformationen i Sverige En tematisk analys av hans svar på Uppsala möte
(2024-03-11)The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze Laurentius Nicolai Norvegus (called Klosterlasse) book “En ny lära som aldrig tidigare hörts i Guds kyrka: Klosterlasses kritiska genomgång av Uppsala möte 1593 och den ... -
ChatGPT som ”teolog” En undersökning i teologisk representation hos AI-boten ChatGPT-3.5
(2024-02-20)The aim of this study is to evaluate theological representation by the AI-chatbot, ChatGPT-3.5. The investigation highlights the representation of four Christian theological traditions: Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, ... -
Vårt större fädernesland – Paneuropa i Tidevarvet och svensk debatt 1924–1936
(2024-02-14)This is a reception study on how the idea of Paneuropa, as launched by the austrian count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1923, was received by the political weekly magazine Tidevarvet, a product of – and an opinion ... -
Together, Apart Community and Connection in an Online Sangha
(2024-01-30)This thesis investigates how the online, global Zen Buddhist community, Treeleaf Zendo, facilitates its meditation sessions, social events and forum, and how the members of the community experience this communication. ... -
Den artificiella intelligensens begynnelse i skolväsendet – ChatGPT och validitetsproblemet med summativ skrivbedömning i gymnasieskolan
(2023-12-13)The present essay examines the apparent problem in the validity of writing assessment in the Swedish upper secondary school. The problem lies in the introduction of ChatGPT, which the students can use to write abstract ... -
Kritiska ord- en interventionsstudie i kritiskt textarbete med grammatik som resurs
(2023-09-27)Flera forskare diskuterar risken med att skolans kunskapsuppdrag kan överskugga skolans demokratiuppdrag. Gymnasieskolan, enligt Lgy11, ska utveckla elevers kritiska förhållningssätt. Elever ska kunna granska och ta ställning ... -
’Fader vår’ och ’Vår fader’ En komparativ analys av Herrens bön i svenska översättningar
(2023-08-31)The Lord’s prayer (Mt. 9b–13) may be one of the most cited paragraphs of the New Testament, appearing as a common prayer since the earliest Christians. In this thesis I firstly analyse the prayer in the Greek text with its ... -
Two Extreme Positions – A Gender Studies Approach to Homosexuality in Islam
(2023-08-15)In this thesis I compare two anti-gay fatwas by the Muslim scholar Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid with the book Homosexuality in Islam by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle, who is a professor at Emory University. The aim is to analyze ... -
Konfirmationens innebörd i ljuset av kyrkligheter inom Svenska kyrkan - Diakonistyrelsens konfirmationsutredning 1950–1954
(2023-07-04)In 1950, the Church of Sweden National Board for Parish’ was commissioned by the Church of Sweden's Bishops' Synod to carry out an inquiry of the meaning of confirmation within the Church of Sweden. This took place at a ... -
Naturalistisk paganism: En netnografisk studie av naturalistiskt pagana individers erfarenheter och förhållningssätt till religiös praktik
(2023-06-28)Abstract: Based on a netnographic study, focusing on the Reddit group SASSWitches, the experiences and approaches of naturalistic pagans towards religious practice are examined. Data collected from 100 discussion threads ... -
Video eller våld? Teknik och innehåll i 80-talets videovåldsdebatt.
(2023-06-28)Abstract: In the early 1980s video violence sparked controversy and set a clear example of how new media technology can cause debate in both the public and the political realm. In disagreement on how the technology related ... -
FÄRG ÄR ANDE BILD ÄR VÄSEN: Josef Albers färglära analyserad genom Hans Beltings antropologiska bildteori.
(2023-06-28)The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate Josef Albers’ practically oriented color theory. The survey is done through a framework of Hans Belting’s anthropological theory of images. Apart from text analysis, the ... -
Att översätta imperfektivitet. En analys av översättningen av grekiskans imperfektform i svenska och tyska bibelöversättningar.
(2022-08-09)This thesis focuses the New Testament Greek imperfect verb in Swedish and German Bible translations. The aim is to investigate if and how the semantic content of the Greek imperfect is transferred to the Swedish and Greek ... -
Himlen, Sunnanäng eller Nangijala? En uppsats om hur vi bör prata med barn om död, självmord och livet efter döden utifrån Bröderna Lejonhjärta och Sunnanäng
(2022-06-21)The purpose of this essay is to compare the books The red bird and The Brothers Lionheart, written by Astrid Lindgren, to see how the author touches on the subject of death, suicide and life after death. The question asked; ... -
Ideal och verklighet i livet som präst: En studie av lidandeprocessen hos präster som begått ämbetsbrott
(2022-06-20)The study examines and analyses the relationship between ideals and reality in perceptions of how priests should live their lives in order to be faithful to their promises and the church’s ideals. The study covers the ... -
Konfetti i hela min säng. En studie av prisnominerade skönlitterära debutanter 2010–2020
(2022-06-15)This master’s thesis aims to investigate how literary prize nominated first-time fiction writers experience the circumstances around publishing their debut work, with particular focus on the significance of literary awards. ... -
St Basil’s Pneumatology in Pentecostalism: A Constructive Analysis of On the Holy Spirit in a Pentecostal
(2022-06-14)This research analyses the pneumatological work On the Holy Spirit of St Basil of Caesarea (ca. 330—379 AD) and examines its possible effects on Pentecostal understandings of the Holy Spirit. It’s a qualitative content ...