Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Översättarröst och Översättarstrategi i Dagarna, ett översättningsmanuskript av K. V. Zetterstéen
(LIR. journal, 2013)
K. V. Zettersteéns newly discovered translation from 1953 of
Taha Husayn’s al-Ayya¯m (The Days) is the first translation from
modern Arabic prose literature into Swedish as far as we know
today. It was made to convince ...
Taha Husayns Dagarna som religionshistorisk källa
(LIR. journal, 2013)
The Egyptian author Taha Husayn’s autobiographical novel The
Days has not been used as a source to the history of religions
to any large extent. This article wishes to address if and how it
can serve as a potential ...