Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Live, Moribund, and Dead Metaphors
Prototypical instances of live, moribund and dead metaphors can be distinguished, but the peripheral parts of these categories intersect in an indeterminate way because of contextual modifications or interpretative differences ...
Justified Pride? Metaphors of the Word Pride in English Language Corpora, 1418–1991
This article deals with the words pride, proud and proudly in a cognitive linguistic framework, addressing the questions: (1) What causes pride? (2) Which other concepts are associated with pride? (3) What are people’s ...
This is an introductory article to the NJES Special Issue on Metaphors.
Justified pride? Metaphors of the word pride in English language corpora, 1418–1991
(Gothenburg University, 2006-09)
This article deals with the words pride, proud and proudly in a cognitive linguistic framework, addressing the questions: (1) What causes pride? (2) Which other concepts are associated with pride? (3) What are people’s ...