Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion
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Visions Beyond Empire: British Federalism and Post-Imperial United Kingdom, 1884-1945
(2024-04-08)This study seeks to trace federalists’ continuous effort to envision and plan for the end of the empire from 1884 to 1945. While British federalism changed a lot during this period, there was a constant concern with the ... -
Beastly Lessons: Natural Utopias in Seventeenth-Century England
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2022-04-06)The present study investigates the motif of virtuous animal instructors in three selected English texts from the second half of the seventeenth century: James Howell’s The Parly of Beasts (1660), Margaret Cavendish’s The ... -
Assembling the Historic Environment: Heritage in the Digital Making
(2022-03-02)The historic environment is a formulation of the cultural past as experienced and documented in space. Traditional approaches to the historic environment tend to favour conservational and preservational paradigms, such as ... -
In Search of the Self: A Study of the International Scene of Modern Advaitic Satsang in Present-Day Rishikesh
(2022-02-10)The north Indian pilgrimage town Rishikesh has since the late 1990’s become something of a center for the international scene of Modern Advaita. An increasing number of teachers and adherents from mainly Western countries ... -
Att skriva gränserfarenheter. En studie i Åsa Nelvins och Eva Runefelts författarskap
(2021-08-19)Abstract The late 1970’s through the early 1980’s was an exciting and eventful period in Swedish literary history. Not only did the controversial and highly debated political women’s lit- erature emerge during this time, ... -
The Meaning and Uses of βασιλεία in the Gospel of Matthew. Semantic Monosemy and Pragmatic Modulation
(2020-11-13)This study examines the meaning and uses of the term βασιλεία in the Gospel of Matthew. Contrary to the predominant scholarly view, according to which the pertinent term is a verbal noun signifying God’s exercise of kingship, ... -
A Sufi for a Secular Age: Reflecting on Muslim Modernity through the Life and Times of Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
(2020-11-03)Fadhlalla Haeri (b. 1937) is a contemporary Muslim figure best known for his spiritual commentaries on the Qur’an and his influential role as a ‘post-madhhab’ and ‘post-tariqa’ Sufi teacher. Born and brought up in the ... -
INDEBTED BODIES, Debt and Decadence in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
(2020-11-03)This dissertation investigates the relationship between linguistic and stylistic innovation in nineteenth-century literature on the one hand and shifts in the dynamics of the economic sign system on the other. It draws on ... -
Vithetens koagulerade hjärta. Om avkoloniserande läsningars möjlighet
(2020-08-31)The purpose of this dissertation is to read three Swedish-language works of literary fiction from the 20th century in a decolonising way in order to provide insights into what the development of such a reading style entails. ... -
Dom stökar och bråkar och kastar sten. Iscensättning och hybridisering av dominerande diskurser i Backa Teaters uppsättningar Lille kung Mattias, Gangs of Gothenburg och
(2020-04-14)The aim of this dissertation is to examine whether or not, and, if so, how Backa Theatre’s stage art contributes to the questioning of norms concerning children and young people by subversive representation of the young. ... -
Som en Sapfo. Publiceringsstrategier, självframställning och retorik hos tre tidigmoderna kvinnliga författare.
(2019-09-27)In Early Modern Europe, it was self-evident that a poet was a man. But despite overwhelming theoretical proof that women could not be poets, some women were. This thesis explores how some women succeeded as writers, through ... -
Den nödvändiga manligheten: Om maskulinitet som soteriologisk signifikant i den svenska debatten om prästämbete och kön
(2019-08-22)This thesis examines the theological reasons why male gender is perceived as a necessary qualification for the office of priesthood in the Church of Sweden. The issues that are investigated examine the masculine ideal, ... -
Performing Perfectly: Presentations of Childhood in Knutby Filadelfia Before and After the Breakup of the Congregation
(2019-02-28)The Knutby Filadelfia Congregation, founded in 1921, started out as a Pentecostal congrega- tion. It has, however, been considered a deviant and semi-isolated new religious movement ever since it became known to the public ... -
The Aporia of Equality: A Historico-Political Approach to Swedish Educational Politics 1946-2000
(2018-11-15)In the present thesis, I analyse how the idea of equality appeared in Swedish educa- tional policy documents from 1946 to 2000. The dissertation aims to advance our understanding of equality as an educational ideal by ... -
Radera. Tippex, tusch, tråd och andra poetiska tekniker
(2018-11-09)This study examines the field of Erasure Poetry from the 1960s to the 2010s with specific focus on intermedial, multimodal, dialogical and iconical aspects. Erasure Poetry results from erasures in earlier works of literature ... -
The Making of Martyrs. Uprising, Cultural Sacralization and Death in Downtown Cairo after 2011
(2018-10-09)This dissertation is aimed to better understand the multifaceted and contested narratives of the 2011 Egyptian uprising by exploring the visual and material cultural representations of selected events in the form of ... -
Life Outside Life: The Politics of Immortality, 1914-1945
(2018-08-17)Between 1914 and 1945 a discussion took place amongst Christian and Jewish theologians and philosophers on the possibility of immortality and eternal life. The discussion had profound political and metaphysical implications ... -
Åke Hodell. Art and Writing in the Neo-Avant-Garde
(2017-11-15)Åke Hodell and the Art of Illegibility provides the first in-depth discussion in English of the concrete poet and neo-avant-garde artist Åke Hodell’s works from the 1960s. Throughout the study, Hodell’s artistic practice ... -
En fängslande vetenskap?: Kriminologi i Sverige, 1885–1965
(2017-11-02)The purpose of this dissertation is to write a history of criminology in Sweden 1885– 1965. It is an investigation of how criminology was established as a science – as an acknowledged field of scientific knowledge – not ... -
Hemligheternas värld: Bror Gadelius och psykiatrins genombrott i det tidiga 1900-talets Sverige
(2017-10-26)The aim of this dissertation is to examine the transformation of psychiatry in Sweden in the early 20th century. At the turn of the century, 1800–1900, a form of psychiatry appeared that in many aspects sought to differentiate ...