Browsing Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1805
(2017-12-20) -
A city on a hill cannot be hidden: Function and symbolism of Ancient Greek akropoleis
(2018-11-26)En akropolis (plur. akropoleis), en befäst kulle högt över en antik grekisk stad, utgör en av de mest välkända vyerna från antiken, men ingen har än studerat akropoleis systematiskt. Ett forskningsfokus på Athens Akropolis ... -
A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish
(2016-05-24)The present study investigates the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish. It is a bi-directional study that uses empirical fiction and non-fiction material in the form of original texts and their ... -
A free cloud service for OCR /En fri molntjänst för OCR Project report
(Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet, 2016) -
A Study of Actual and Non-Actual Motion Expressions in Telugu: A path towards a post-Talmian Motion Event Typology
(2024-11-05)This compilation thesis investigates the expressions of actual and non-actual motion (henceforth AM and NAM, respectively) in Telugu (Dravidian). AM refers to a situation where a physical object moves from one place to ... -
A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with level-matched Japanese schoolchildren.
(2016-02-26)ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 18 March, 2016 Title: A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with ... -
A Sufi for a Secular Age: Reflecting on Muslim Modernity through the Life and Times of Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
(2020-11-03)Fadhlalla Haeri (b. 1937) is a contemporary Muslim figure best known for his spiritual commentaries on the Qur’an and his influential role as a ‘post-madhhab’ and ‘post-tariqa’ Sufi teacher. Born and brought up in the ... -
A Universal of Human Interaction? – Manual Movement as Interactional Practice in Spoken and Signed Conversation
(2016-05-13)When humans interact, they may make use of a range of resources, such as head movements, facial expressions, manual movement, body posture and speech. It is assumed that participants both produce and perceive this stream ... -
Abolition, militärmål, rusdryck och kåkfarare. Studier i ett svenskt juridiskt ordförråd 1800–2000
(Institutionen för svenska språket, 2003-04) -
The Academic Seminar as an Arena of Conflict and Conflict Resolution
(Department of Linguistics, 1992) -
Actitudes hacia la variedad caló. Un estudio sociolingüístico de adolescentes andaluces
(2011-05-23)Caló is a language/variety spoken by the Spanish Calé (i.e. the Roma). The variety belongs to a group of languages referred to as “Para-Romani”, characterized by Romani vocabulary, but largely non-Romani morphology, phonology ... -
An Activity Based Approach to Pragmatics
(Department of Linguistics, 2000) -
Activity Based Studies of Linguistic Interaction
(Department of Linguistics, 2007) -
Adapting Adulthood:Migrating Characters and Themes from Novels, Screenplays, and Films
(2021-01-27)När romaner adapteras till film förändras oundvikligen fiktionens karaktärer i processen. Det gäller även det tematiska innehållet. Denna avhandling betraktar karaktärerna och det tematiska innehållet i adapterad fiktion ... -
Adverb i interaktion
(2005) -
Adverbialkarakteristik för praktisk informationsextraktion i svensk text Projektrapport
(Institutionen för svenska språket, 12-07-07)Den aktuella rapporten beskriver ett projekt som i första hand har inneburit ett praktiskt arbete syftande till att skapa en automatiserad process som returnerar frågeled, t.ex. varifrån, för adverbialled, t.ex. inifrån ... -
En afliden räkneboksförfattare
(1900) -
Afloat and Aflame: Deconstructing the Long 19th Century Port City Gothenburg through Newspaper Archaeology
In line with the international historical-archaeological discipline, this study aims to increase knowledge of marginalising processes and disenfranchised groups in the past and to contribute to the recognised Swedish ... -
Africanizing scientific knowledge: the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria as a model?
(2010-12-13)Abstract In November 2009, the fifth Pan African Malaria conference was held in Nairobi. Thirteen years after the founding initiative in Dakar, the first African Secretariat based in Africa (TANZANIA) organized this major ...