Now showing items 1-10 of 618
THE 200-YEAR CRAFTSMAN - Preserving Cultural Heritage and Garden Craftsmanship in Kyoto, Japan.
This thesis cover the process and results of a case study that was made in Kyoto, Japan in 2019. The intention is to produce an example of how cultural heritage preservation in a culturally important garden might be ...
Sjöfartsmuseets tavelsamling Att flytta en samling och planera ett nytt magasin
This paper deals with the problems that can occur during the move of an entire collection. The
collection discussed is located at the Gothenburg Maritime Museum and it has been
considered to move the collection to a ...
Tillämpning av evidensbaserad design vid gestaltning av två trädgårdsrum på GreveGarden
Mental illness is rising dramatically in Sweden and accounts for as much as 46 % of all ongoing sick leave. Studies show that between 2011 and 2017, the increase due to psychiatric afflictions was 129 %, with the vast ...
Att vårda våtpreparat Reflektioner om hantering av animaliska preparat och mänskliga kvarlevor.
In Swedish institutions today, wet specimen collections of animal tissue and human remains are not prioritised in the collections and there is no praxis on optimal preservation and care of these specimen, which comprises ...
Vakuumförpackning av arkeologiskt järn Uppföljning av ett SESAM-projekt på Stockholms stadsmuseum
This thesis aims to evaluate experimental vacuum-packed archaeological iron samples stored in the warehouse of the city museum of Stockholm since 1996. This goal is approached through a literature study and a systematic ...
Att lyfta en klockstapel. En studie av en hantverkares arbetsmetoder
This thesis investigates the procedures surrounding lifting and what kind of lifting
equipment is used by an experienced carpenter when lifting campaniles. A qualitative
interview was performed with campanile specialist ...
Modifiering av ramverksdörrar. För minskat värmeläckage och bibehållet utseende
I och med att kraven 2012 skärptes ytterligare på att hus idag skall släppa ut mindre
värmeenergi än tidigare är de gamla ramverksdörrarna en del som kan behöva ses över.
Det finns idag inga dokumenterade metoder på hur ...
En trädgård för grön rehabilitering. Gestaltningsförslag för skydd och ro.
The purpose of this study is to develop a design proposal for people with burnout diseases
to a garden room in the garden at GreveGarden. The design proposal is based on the theory
about the triangle of supporting ...
Perspectives on Sustainability in Cultural Heritage Conservation
In the last few years, ‘sustainability’ has become one of the greatest and most inevitable topics of discussion. Investigating contemporary approaches to sustainability in the cultural heritage sector shows how current ...
ATT BYGGA VIDARE PÅ KULTURARVET Diskurser om Liljevalchs konsthall och dess tillbyggnad
This thesis is about Liljevalchs art gallery in Stockholm and its intended annex, which is now under
construction and will be completed in 2021. The purpose of the thesis is to identify different kinds of
discourse ...