Browsing Department of Mathematical Sciences / Institutionen för matematiska vetenskaper by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
A contribution to the design and analysis of phase III clinical trials
(2013-11-08)Clinical trials are an established methodology for evaluation of the effects of a new medical treatment. These trials are usually divided into several phases, namely phase I through IV. The earlier phases (I and II) are ... -
A two-stage numerical procedure for an inverse scattering problem
(Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, 2015)In this thesis we study a numerical procedure for the solution of the inverse problem of reconstructing location, shape and material properties (in particular refractive indices) of scatterers located in a known ... -
Asymptotics and dynamics in first-passage and continuum percolation
(2011-09-06)This thesis combines the study of asymptotic properties of percolation processes with various dynamical concepts. First-passage percolation is a model for the spatial propagation of a fluid on a discrete structure; the ... -
Combinatorics of solvable lattice models with a reflecting end
(2021-04-21)I den här avhandlingen studerar vi några exakt lösbara, kvantintegrerbara gittermodeller. Izergin bevisade en determinantformel för partitionsfunktionen till sexvertexmodellen på ett gitter av storlek n × n med Korepins ... -
Efficient Adaptive Algorithms for an Electromagnetic Coefficient Inverse Problem
(2017-06-08)This thesis comprises five scientific papers, all of which are focusing on the inverse problem of reconstructing a dielectric permittivity which may vary in space inside a given domain. The data for the reconstruction ... -
Efficient training of interpretable, non-linear regression models
(2023-06-30)Regression, the process of estimating functions from data, comes in many flavors. One of the most commonly used regression models is linear regression, which is computationally efficient and easy to interpret, but lacks ... -
Enabling mechanistic understanding of cellular dynamics through mathematical modelling and development of efficient methods
(2024-11-13)Cell biology is complex, but unravelling this complexity is important. For example, the recent COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to understand how cells function in order to develop efficient vaccines and treatments. ... -
Exercising Mathematical Competence: Practising Representation Theory and Representing Mathematical Practice
(2013-04-05)This thesis assembles two papers in mathematics and two papers in mathematics education. In the mathematics part, representation theory is practised. Two Clebsch-Gordan type problems are addressed. The original problem ... -
Extreme rainfall modelling under climate change and proper scoring rules for extremes and inference
(2024-09-06)Model development, model inference and model evaluation are three important cornerstones of statistical analysis. This thesis touches on all these through modelling extremes under climate change and evaluating extreme ... -
Extreme Value Analysis of Huge Datasets: Tail Estimation Methods in High-Throughput Screening and Bioinformatics
(2011-10-13)This thesis presents results in Extreme Value Theory with applications to High-Throughput Screening and Bioinformatics. The methods described here, however, are applicable to statistical analysis of huge datasets in general. ... -
Geometrical and percolative properties of spatially correlated models
(2020-03-10)This thesis consists of four papers dealing with phase transitions in various models of continuum percolation. These models exhibit complicated dependencies and are generated by different Poisson processes. For each such ... -
Global residue currents and the Ext functors
(2022-09-09)This thesis concerns developments in multivariable residue theory. In particular we consider global constructions of residue currents related to work by Andersson and Wulcan. In the first paper of this thesis, we consider ... -
Hodge Theory in Combinatorics and Mirror Symmetry
(2024-10-22)Hodge theory, in its broadest sense, encompasses the study of the decomposition of cohomology groups of complex manifolds, as well as related fields such as periods, motives, and algebraic cycles. In this thesis, ideas ... -
Index theory in geometry and physics
(2011-04-06)This thesis contains three papers in the area of index theory and its applications in geometry and mathematical physics. These papers deal with the problems of calculating the charge deficiency on the Landau levels and ... -
The influence of numbers when students solve equations
(2023)Is it possible that some students’ primary difficulty with equation-solving is neither handling the literal symbols nor the equality, but the numbers used as coefficients? It is well known that many students find algebra ... -
Learning to solve problems that you have not learned to solve: Strategies in mathematical problem solving
(2019-08-16)This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationship between problem-solving strategies and success in mathematical problem solving. In its introductory part, it pursues and describes the term ... -
Limit Theorems for Lattices and L-functions
This PhD thesis investigates distributional questions related to three types of objects: Unimodular lattices, symplectic lattices, and Hecke L-functions of imaginary quadratic number fields of class number 1. In Paper ... -
Mathematical Modelling of Cellular Ageing: a Multi-Scale Perspective
(2022-04-19)In a growing and increasingly older population, we are progressively challenged by the impact of ageing on individuals and society. The UN declared the years 2021-2030 as the Decade of Healthy Ageing, highlighting the ...