Browsing Department of Mathematical Sciences / Institutionen för matematiska vetenskaper by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
Index theory in geometry and physics
(2011-04-06)This thesis contains three papers in the area of index theory and its applications in geometry and mathematical physics. These papers deal with the problems of calculating the charge deficiency on the Landau levels and ... -
Asymptotics and dynamics in first-passage and continuum percolation
(2011-09-06)This thesis combines the study of asymptotic properties of percolation processes with various dynamical concepts. First-passage percolation is a model for the spatial propagation of a fluid on a discrete structure; the ... -
Extreme Value Analysis of Huge Datasets: Tail Estimation Methods in High-Throughput Screening and Bioinformatics
(2011-10-13)This thesis presents results in Extreme Value Theory with applications to High-Throughput Screening and Bioinformatics. The methods described here, however, are applicable to statistical analysis of huge datasets in general. ... -
Percolation: Inference and Applications in Hydrology
(2011-11-25)Percolation theory is a branch of probability theory describing connectedness in a stochastic network. The connectedness of a percolation process is governed by a few, typically one or two, parameters. A central theme ... -
Okounkov bodies and geodesic rays in Kähler geoemtry
(2012-05-10)This thesis presents three papers dealing with questions in Kähler geometry. In the first paper we construct a transform, called the Chebyshev transform, which maps continuous hermitian metrics on a big line bundle to ... -
The Dirac Equation: Numerical and Asymptotic Analysis
(2012-11-28)The thesis consists of three parts, although each part belongs to a specific subject area in mathematics, they are considered as subfields of the perturbation theory. The main objective of the presented work is the study ... -
Exercising Mathematical Competence: Practising Representation Theory and Representing Mathematical Practice
(2013-04-05)This thesis assembles two papers in mathematics and two papers in mathematics education. In the mathematics part, representation theory is practised. Two Clebsch-Gordan type problems are addressed. The original problem ... -
Stochastic Models in Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: Analytical Properties and Parameter Estimation
(2013-09-16)Phylogenetic comparative methods are well established tools for using inter-species variation to analyse phenotypic evolution and adaptation. They are generally hampered, however, by predominantly univariate approaches and ... -
Tracking mathematical giftedness in an egalitarian context
(2013-10-31)In three different studies upper secondary school head teachers’ characterization and identification of mathematical giftedness was investigated. A survey study (Paper II) explored the conceptions held by 36 randomly ... -
A contribution to the design and analysis of phase III clinical trials
(2013-11-08)Clinical trials are an established methodology for evaluation of the effects of a new medical treatment. These trials are usually divided into several phases, namely phase I through IV. The earlier phases (I and II) are ... -
Tight maps, a classification
(2014-09-05)This thesis concerns the classification of tight totally geodesic maps between Hermitian symmetric spaces of noncompact type. In Paper I we classify holomorphic tight maps. We introduce a new criterion for tightness ... -
Probabilistic modeling in sports, finance and weather
(2014-10-02)In this thesis, we build mathematical and statistical models for a wide variety of real world applications. The mathematical models include applications in team sport tactics and optimal portfolio selection, while the ... -
A two-stage numerical procedure for an inverse scattering problem
(Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, 2015)In this thesis we study a numerical procedure for the solution of the inverse problem of reconstructing location, shape and material properties (in particular refractive indices) of scatterers located in a known ... -
Mathematical Reasoning - In physics and real-life context
(2015-05-05)This thesis is a compilation of four papers in which mathematical reasoning is examined in various contexts, in which mathematics is an integral part. It is known from previous studies that a focus on rote learning and ... -
Topics in convex and mixed binary linear optimization
(2015-05-08)This thesis concerns theory, algorithms, and applications for two problem classes within the realm of mathematical optimization; convex optimization and mixed binary linear optimization. To the thesis is appended five ... -
Topics on Harmonic analysis and Multilinear Algebra
(2015-09-23)The present thesis consists of six different papers. Indeed, they treat three different research areas: function spaces, singular integrals and multilinear algebra. In paper I, a characterization of continuity of the ... -
Resampling in network modeling of high-dimensional genomic data
(University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology, 2017)Network modeling is an effective approach for the interpretation of high-dimensional data sets for which a sparse dependence structure can be assumed. Genomic data is a challenging and important example. In genomics, ... -
Statistical analysis and modelling of gene count data in metagenomics
(2017-01-26)Microorganisms form complex communities that play an integral part of all ecosystems on Earth. Metagenomics enables the study of microbial communities through sequencing of random DNA fragments from the collective genome ... -
Efficient Adaptive Algorithms for an Electromagnetic Coefficient Inverse Problem
(2017-06-08)This thesis comprises five scientific papers, all of which are focusing on the inverse problem of reconstructing a dielectric permittivity which may vary in space inside a given domain. The data for the reconstruction ...