Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Noise and Music - A Matter of Risk Perception?
The prevalence of tinnitus and hearing impairments among adolescents seems to increase as a
consequence of exposure to loud noise. Several studies have highlighted the negative auditory
effects of exposure to loud music ...
Music and Risk in an existential and gendered world
Adolescents in Western society often expose themselves to high levels of sound at gyms, rock concerts, discotheques etc. These behaviours are as threatening to young people’s health as more traditional risk behaviours. ...
Adolescents' Happiness: The Role of the Affective Temperament Model on Memory and Apprehension of Events, Subjective Well-Being, and Psychological Well-Being
Positive Psychology research suggests personality as a major determinant in adults and adolescents’ happiness and well-being. Personality is probable a key element due to its relationship to individual differences in ...