Doctoral Theses from University of Gothenburg / Doktorsavhandlingar från Göteborgs universitet
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Combining Action Research and System Dynamics to facilitate change and improvement processes in healthcare
(2022-09-30)Background The healthcare sector is under considerable pressure for cost savings and to increase efficiency. Healthcare is complex with staff of multiple professions and a variety of patient care pathways. Time pressure ... -
Digitala sexuella trakasserier i skolan: Elevperspektiv på sexting, utsatthet och jämställdhet.
(2022-02-24)Att sexta, innebär att dela självproducerade foton eller videoklipp med naket eller halvnaket innehåll av sexuell karaktär. Delningen sker genom att en person själv skickar, tar emot eller vidarebefordra sexuella foton ... -
Excited state dynamics in the strong coupling regime
(2022-02-24)Strong exciton-photon coupling exhibits the possibility to modify photophysical and photochemical properties of organic molecules without changing their structure. This is due to the formation of hybrid light-matter states, ... -
Acquired Epilepsy with a Focus on Stroke: Treatment and Prognosis
(2022-02-23)The relationship between epilepsy and stroke is complicated. While stroke is a major cause of epilepsy after middle age, there is also evidence that the risk of stroke is increased in persons with epilepsy. The overall aim ... -
lmprovement in perioperative care of the day case patient; logistics and quality of care.
(2022-02-23)Background: The “Day surgery concept” is increasing and nowadays numerous of surgical procedures in patients of all ages, with different comorbidities are performed as day case surgery. Day surgery (DS) is a process; not ... -
Parasite host interaction between the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) – the impact from glochidia larvae on the host
(2022-02-17)Parasites can modulate the physiology and behavior of the hosts to enhance their chances to complete their life cycle. The numerous freshwater bivalves of the order Unionoida all have a parasitic larval stage, also known ... -
On the role of Natural Killer cell immunogenetics for the outcome of immunotherapy in acute myeloid leukemia
(2022-02-14)Numerous studies have revealed that natural killer cells have fundamental roles as effector cells in myeloid leukemias. Thus, understanding NK cell-related biomarkers that influence clinical outcome are warranted. This ... -
In Search of the Self: A Study of the International Scene of Modern Advaitic Satsang in Present-Day Rishikesh
(2022-02-10)The north Indian pilgrimage town Rishikesh has since the late 1990’s become something of a center for the international scene of Modern Advaita. An increasing number of teachers and adherents from mainly Western countries ... -
Blood Vessels, Biomarkers, and Broken Barriers: lnvestigations of the Brain Vasculature in Models of Neonatal Brain lnjuries
(2022-02-10)Brain injury during the perinatal period can lead to lifelong impairment in cognitive and motor function, or an early death. Term neonatal encephalopathy and preterm germinal matrix haemorrhage are two conditions that can ... -
Prerequisites for palliative care provision in intensive care
(2022-02-08)Palliative care provision is aimed at improving patients’ quality of life when cure no longer possible through healthcare systems, including intensive care. It has been ob-served that ongoing challenges exist concerning ... -
Metabolic alterations and adipose tissue dysfunction in individuals with a family history of type 2 diabetes
(2022-02-08)ABSTRACT Aims The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was to further examine the anthropometric, metabolic and adipose tissue dysfunctions, as well as explore novel metabolites, associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus ... -
Electromagnetic Field Induced Out-of-Equilibrium Structural Dynamics in Protein Crystals: From Picoseconds to Milliseconds
(2022-02-04)Light-induced interactions in biomolecules are strongly varying over different model systems. Most amino acids and proteins absorb ultraviolet light, but only a few with specialised chromophores or fluorophores, are able ... -
Promoting the Clinical Relevance of 3D Bioprinting
(2022-02-03)This thesis focuses on the development of methodologies enabling the reconstruction of autologous, functional, and long-term-stable cartilage-like tissue using 3D bioprinting technology and animal experiments. The stability, ... -
Human iPSC-derived neuronal networks. Development and application for compound evaluation
(2022-02-03)Research on human brain development and function in health and disease has been hampered by limited access to primary human tissue and limited translatability of animal studies. This knowledge gap is encouraging the use ... -
Unmet need for mental healthcare among men Sweden: Gendered pathways to care
(2022-02-02)Aim: Depression and anxiety disorders have a lifetime prevalence of about 10% among men in high-income countries but many do not seek and receive the care that they need. The aim of this thesis was to explore gendered ... -
Process and economic evaluation of a transition program for adolescents with congenital heart disease: the Stepstones project
(2022-01-28)Transition programs have been developed for adolescents with chronic conditions and evaluated through randomized controlled trials. However, knowledge is lacking on what barriers and facilitators to implementation exist, ... -
Perceptions of Political Competition and the Integrity of Elections
(2022-01-26)Political competition is generally regarded as one of the hallmarks of a well-functioning democracy. Competitive elections hold politicians to account, thereby increasing government performance to the benefit of citizens. ... -
Dynamics of particles in fluids: effects of correlations and interactions
(2022-01-24)Particles suspended in turbulent fluid flows are common in Nature and in technological applications. In some cases, the relative dynamics of spherical particles may be of interest. One example is small rain droplets in ... -
Carpe Diem or Seize your Health? The Economics of Time Preferences, Health, and Education
(2022-01-20)Who is more likely to follow medical recommendations, invest in their health and pursue higher degrees of schooling? Behavioral economic theory provides a clear answer to this question: more patient individuals (who discount ... -
Genomic mutational heterogeneity in cancer. lmproved models and tools for driver gene detection
(2022-01-19)Cancer is a disease that is strongly related to evolution, as mutations that confer a benefit to individual cells face positive selection and eventually lead to tumorigenesis. As such, the search for genes that drive cancer ...