Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Peer teaching a way to enhance learning on Enterprising and Business Development
(Myndigheten, 2004)
We will introduce peer teaching in the Enterprising and Business Development (EBD) Programme at Växjö University. Peer teaching increases the students learning at the same time as it fosters self-confidence and makes the ...
Peer teaching and co-operation between different academic study programmes
(Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildning, 2008-09-23)
The aim of this project is to put into practice different forms of peer teaching as a mode of handling restricted resources as well as giving students influence over, and responsibility for, their education. Research has ...
Corpora in grammar teaching - towards higher motivation, deeper understanding and more solid proficiency in English grammar
(Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildning, 2008-09-23)
The principal aims of this project were to increase student motivation and encourage learner autonomy in a university course on English grammar by introducing the use of language corpora (large databases of authentic text). ...