Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Model Checking Reconfigurable Interacting Systems
(International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 2022)
Reconfigurable multi-agent systems consist of a set of autonomous agents, with integrated interaction capabilities that feature opportunistic interaction. Agents seemingly reconfigure their interactions interfaces by forming ...
Runtime Verification meets Controller Synthesis
Reactive synthesis guarantees correct-by-construction controllers from logical specifications, but is costly—2EXPTIME-complete in the size of the specification. In a practical setting, the desired controllers need to ...
R-CHECK: A Model Checker for Verifying Reconfigurable MAS
(AAMAS 2022, 2022)
Reconfigurable multi-agent systems consist of a set of autonomous
agents, with integrated interaction capabilities that feature opportunistic
interaction. Agents seemingly reconfigure their interactions
interfaces by ...