Browsing IT Faculty / IT-fakulteten by Title
Now showing items 115-134 of 154
Reproducing Traditional Discourses of Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Studies of Mathematics and ICT in Teaching and Teacher Education
(2012-04-16)This thesis is primarily concerned with the effects of education for future teachers in the context of the Swedish teacher training (Government Bill 1999/2000:135 2000). It belongs to a theoretical tradition in which the ... -
Results from Two Controlled Experiments on the Effect of Using Requirement Diagrams on the Requirements Comprehension
(University of Gothenburg, 2013-04-02)We carried out a controlled experiment and an external replication to investigate whether the use of requirement diagrams of the SysML (System Modeling Language) helps in the comprehensibility of requirements. The ... -
The Role of Discretion from the Perspective of Social Work Professionalism and Automated Decision Making
(2022)This article addresses the gap in knowledge about how new digital technology affects decision making and social caseworkers’ professionalism. The aim is to enhance the understanding of how digital discretion—as a result ... -
Runtime Verification meets Controller Synthesis
(2022)Reactive synthesis guarantees correct-by-construction controllers from logical specifications, but is costly—2EXPTIME-complete in the size of the specification. In a practical setting, the desired controllers need to ... -
Runtime Verification of Kotlin Coroutines
(2022)Kotlin was introduced to Android as the recommended language for development. One of the unique functionalities of Kotlin is that of coroutines, which are lightweight tasks that can run concurrently inside threads. Programming ... -
Service Logic in Digitalized Product Platforms—A Study of Digital Service Innovation in the Vehicle Industry
(2015-09-07)The digitalization of products has become an important driver for service innovation in manufacturing firms. The embedding of digital technology in previously non-digital products creates digitalized product platforms that ... -
Service Robotics Software Engineering
(2021-08-16)Context. Robots are increasingly becoming involved in our lives and currently, teams of service robots cooperate to support humans by performing useful, repetitive, or dangerous tasks. However, engineering the robots’ ... -
Shared Platform Evolution: An Imbrication Analysis of Coopetition and Architecture
(2018-02-13)Shared platforms are a stable foundation for the integration of digital components by heterogeneous actors. These platforms are an emergent organizational form whose members seek interoperability of their IT systems through ... -
Sheaf Semantics in Constructive Algebra and Type Theory
(2016-10-06)In this thesis we present two applications of sheaf semantics. The first is to give constructive proof of Newton-Puiseux theorem. The second is to show the independence of Markov's principle from type theory. In the ... -
Software Defect Prediction Techniques in Automotive Domain: Evaluation, Selection and Adoption
(2015-01-29)Software is becoming an increasingly important part of automotive product development. While software in automotive domain enables important functionality and innovations, it also requires significant effort for its ... -
Space-Safe Transformations and Usage Analysis for Call-by-Need Languages
(2001)This thesis is concerned with the resource consumption of lazy functional languages. It touches upon two aspects: how to reason about the space-safety of program transformations, and how to apply usage analysis for compiler ... -
Spelet om musiken - Unga musiker spelar digitala musikspel
(2020-11-04)Under de senaste årtiondena har många spelutvecklare, utbildare och forskare argumenterat för att digitala spel bör användas som miljöer för lärande. Vanliga argument har varit att spel är säkra zoner där misslyckanden ... -
Strategic Innovation Through Outsourcing – A Theoretical Review
(University of Gothenburg / Göteborgs universitet, 2022)Competition in the Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry is increasingly moving from being motivated by cost savings towards strategic benefits that service providers ... -
A Survey on Satisfiability Checking for the μ -Calculus Through Tree Automata
(2022)Algorithms for model checking and satisfiability of the modal μ -calculus start by converting formulas to alternating parity tree automata. Thus, model checking is reduced to checking acceptance by tree automata and ... -
Symbolic Solution of Emerson-Lei Games for Reactive Synthesis
(2024)Emerson-Lei conditions have recently attracted attention due to both their succinctness and their favorable closure properties. In the current work, we show how infinite-duration games with Emerson-Lei objectives can be ... -
Synchronous Agents, Verification, and Blame - A Deontic View
(2023)A question we can ask of multi-agent systems is whether the agents’ collective interaction satisfies particular goals or specifications, which can be either individual or collective. When a collaborative goal is not reached, ... -
Synthesis for prefix first-order logic on data words
(2024)We study the reactive synthesis problem for distributed systems with an unbounded number of participants interacting with an uncontrollable environment. Executions of those systems are modeled by data words, and specifications ...