Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Unaccompanied minors (un-)made in Sweden. Ungrievable lives and access to rights produced through policy
On 24 November 2015, the Swedish prime minister announced a new, restrictive asylum policy with
the explicit aim of placing Sweden at the EU minimum level in terms of refugee reception. A
temporary Aliens Act minimized ...
Barns röster i vårdnadstvister - om verkställighet och professionellas riskbedömningar
This thesis examines social and legal constructions of children, childhood and children's best interests. The overall aim of this thesis is to study how professionals construct their argumentation in assessments and decisions ...
Crime, punishment, and counselling – a study of the local judicial and social work application of prostitution policy in Sweden
This thesis explores the social construction of a purchase of a sexual service within the implementation of prostitution policy in Sweden and seeks to contribute to the current knowledge about how a purchase of a sexual ...
Professionellt gränsarbete - socionomexemplet
The focus of this thesis is on boundary work both as a phenomenon and a theoretical tool, and consists of the manuscripts of four articles and an introduction. One way of perceiving
professions is in terms of a landscape ...
Dunkla vanor. Om teori och referenspraktik i samhällsvetenskaplig forskning
The purpose of this thesis is to study how social scientists use theoretical citations in scientific publications in research about organizations and the social services sector. This thesis can be characterized as being ...
Vem får stanna? Om politiska problemrepresentationer av rätten att stanna i Sverige 1936–1989
In 2015, the Swedish government restricted the right to stay in Sweden, to reduce the number of asylum seekers seeking protection in the country. Since then, it has established a restrictive migration policy that only ...