Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Handlingsimperativets dilemman – Om frihet och kontroll i socialtjänstens arbete med klienter som använder narkotika
Title: Dilemmas of the imperative for action – On freedom and control in social services’ work with clients who use illicit drugs
Author: Johan Lindwall
Keywords: social service, substance use, discourse, ...
Avslöjandets tid. Kvinnors bearbetning av sexuella övergrepp
In this thesis the aim is to explore how the phenomenon of working through child sexual abuse can be understood; its historical, discursive and social conditions and relations to gender and other power structures. The main ...
Parents, Power, Poverty. On choice and responsibility on two parental communities
This dissertation explores discourses about parenthood and subject ideals as they manifest in two Swedish parental web communities. The aim is to examine the perceived division of responsibility between the parents themselves ...