Now showing items 1-10 of 60
Governing migrants through the Norwegian Introduction Programme
This thesis focuses on the Norwegian Introduction Programme for newly arrived immigrants and refugees. With its implementation in 2004, the Introduction Programme represents one of the most significant policy measures ...
About Child Poverty – A Bangladesh's Perspective
Taking child poverty into account as an enormous concern on the pathway to human development, the
present dissertation aims to examine child poverty’s extent and characteristics, poor children’s views
on this issue and ...
Utanförskap på entreprenad. Diskurser om sociala företag i Sverige
Over the last decade the social enterprise has gained recognition, as a social innovation aiming to address diverse societal needs in the post-industrial world. In the contemporary Swedish political discourse, social ...
Barns röster om växelvis boende. Vardagsliv, familjepraktiker och nära relationer
Over the past decades, the ways in which children’s care is arranged after parental separation have changed significantly in many societies. Dual residence, where children live across two households spending equal amounts ...
From exclusion to inclusion : Young people’s trajectories from home to street to reintegration in the Kagera region, Tanzania.
This thesis examines what causes children and young people to leave their homes, how they experience their situation on the streets and as domestic workers, and what facilitates them to reintegrate into their local community. ...
Women Leaving Violent Men: Crossroads of Emotion, Cognition and Action
This thesis addresses battered women’s leaving processes. Leaving is conceptualised in a wider sense, i.e. as disentanglement from violent relationships beyond the physical break-up. The general aim of the thesis is to ...
To Blend in or Stand out? - Hospital Social Workers' Jurisdictional Work in Sweden and Germany
This dissertation describes, analyses, and compares the means by which hospital social work associations in Sweden and Germany pursue their members’ professionalization through ‘jurisdictional work’. The time period covered ...
Småbarnsföräldrars vardagsliv. Omsorg, moral och socialt kapital.
This thesis is a study about the everyday lives of Swedish parents of small children. The
empirical data comprises individual interviews, couple interviews and focus groups with 30
parents, as well as focus group interviews ...
Unaccompanied minors (un-)made in Sweden. Ungrievable lives and access to rights produced through policy
On 24 November 2015, the Swedish prime minister announced a new, restrictive asylum policy with
the explicit aim of placing Sweden at the EU minimum level in terms of refugee reception. A
temporary Aliens Act minimized ...
Teenage Kicks – The Differential Development of Drug Use, Drunkenness, and Criminal Behaviour in Early to Mid-Adolescence
This thesis studies the development of drug use, drunkenness, and criminal behaviour in early to mid-adolescence. Its main aims are to improve knowledge about how and why these three behaviours develop and to contribute ...