Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Women Leaving Violent Men: Crossroads of Emotion, Cognition and Action
This thesis addresses battered women’s leaving processes. Leaving is conceptualised in a wider sense, i.e. as disentanglement from violent relationships beyond the physical break-up. The general aim of the thesis is to ...
Till förortens försvar. Utveckling och organisering i de tre stadsdelarna Hjällbo, Hammarkullen, Eriksbo 1970-1995
In this thesis the empirical basis is the development in three exposed suburbs,
Hjällbo, Hammarkullen and Eriksbo, during the period 1970-1995. Based on an
assessment of the development in the districts, the thesis tries ...
Finnkampen : en studie av finska mäns liv och sociala karriärer i Sverige
(Gidlund, 2001)
The aim of this study is to describe and analyse experiences, living conditions and processes that have infl uenced Finnish immigrant men in Sweden and the resources and strategies they have used to handle and control their ...
Avslöjandets tid. Kvinnors bearbetning av sexuella övergrepp
In this thesis the aim is to explore how the phenomenon of working through child sexual abuse can be understood; its historical, discursive and social conditions and relations to gender and other power structures. The main ...
Arbetsplatskultur, socialt stöd och arbetets mening : anställning med lönebidrag och daglig verksamhet för personer med intellektuella arbetshandikapp
Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i Handikappreformen, vars mål var att personer med funktionshinder – däribland de med utvecklingsstörning – skall integreras under de ideologiska ledstjärnorna; delaktighet och jämlikhet.
Denna ...
Inom transnationella och lokala sociala världar - Om sociala stödutbyten och försörjningsstrategier bland svensksomalier
The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the exchange of social support within the social network of Swedish-Somalis within and outside of Sweden. The aim was also to describe and analyse their strategies to earn ...
Vagabond MC - Gemenskap, manlighet och marginalitet. En studie av en västsvensk bikerklubb
The global objective with this ethnographic (culture) study is to examine the social
patterns and significant structures in a local (West Swedish) biker club. A newly formed
club, Vagabond MC, constitutes my primary ...
Kropp, varande och mening i ett sjukgymnastiskt perspektiv
Undefined pain and tension is a major health problem in contemporary society and for the health care system. This thesis argues that the physiotherapeutic understanding of the body, and the possibilities inherent in working ...
To maintain control: Negotiations in the everyday life of older people who can no longer manage on their own.
The general aim of this thesis is to reach a more insightful understanding of how
help is actually worked out in the everyday life of older people when they can
no longer manage on their own. The overall research question ...
Professionellt gränsarbete - socionomexemplet
The focus of this thesis is on boundary work both as a phenomenon and a theoretical tool, and consists of the manuscripts of four articles and an introduction. One way of perceiving
professions is in terms of a landscape ...