Faculty of Social Science / Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten
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Recent Submissions
Children of the State: Ideological Education Increases Support for Autocratic Leadership
(2024-10)How does exposure to authoritarian content in education affect support for autocratic leadership? While higher levels of education are linked to less support for autocratic leadership, states often leverage education to ... -
Pedagogik som främjar studenters teoretiska och analytiska förmågor
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2024)Föreliggande arbete lägger fokus på att undersöka vilka pedagogiska modeller och begrepp som skulle kunna användas för att utveckla analysförmågan och teoritillämpningsförmågan hos högskolestudenter. Arbetet bygger på en ... -
Regional utvecklingskapacitet – forskningsläge och politiska vägval
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2024)Regionalt kapacitetsbyggande har under senare år kommit att prägla många analyser och strategier som tagits fram av både nationella regeringar och internationella organ som OECD och EU. I Sverige har frågor om kapacitetsbyggande ... -
Kommunernas makt. Den kommunala självstyrelsen i det svenska statsskicket
(Medströms Bokförlag, 2024)Den kommunala självstyrelsen är ett av de mest grundläggande koncepten i regeringsformen men också ett av de mest ifrågasatta. Följande analys, med utgångspunkt i spänningen mellan demokratiska och legalistiska perspektiv, ... -
A talking matter: Discursive enactments of norms and tensions in a public participation process
(2024-10-01)This thesis is about public participation as a social practice and its discursive construction. Generally, previous research has depicted public participation as a tensional practice that is both praised and criticized. ... -
Structural Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities for Elderly and COVID-19 Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review
(2024-09)In many countries, elder citizens residing in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) were disproportionately affected by the SARS-Cov-2. However, The risk of contracting the virus, the incidence of infection, and mortality ... -
Parliamentary Control of Ministerial Policymaking
(2024-09)A key issue in parliamentary democracy centers on the parliament’s ability to contain ministerial drift. Recent scholarship highlights the importance of strong legislative institutions for enforcing the parliament’s wishes, ... -
Rasmus Broms & Elias Markstedt: Local information capacity in Sweden (pdf)
(2024-09)A growing strand of research revolving around the concept of legibility emphasizes the central function that information plays for state capacity accumulation. The bulk of these contributions remain focused on the existence ... -
When Elders Rule: Age Composition in DecisionMaking and Legitimacy Perceptions
(2024-09)How does the predominance of older people in decision-making bodies influence citizens’ evaluations of their legitimacy? Through a survey experiment in the US, we vary the age composition of a bipartisan state legislative ... -
Experimental Evidence from Belgium on Local Politicians’ Engagement with Protests
(2024-09)When do politicians react responsively to protesters demands? I argue that politicians react responsively to protests they anticipate their voters to support — peaceful, large, and actionable protests. In an experiment ... -
The Ethnic Politics of Nature Protection: Ethnic Favoritism and Protected Areas in Africa
(2024-07)Nature protected areas are hailed as an institutional solution to the global biodiversity crisis. However, conservation entails local economic costs for some communities and benefits for others. We propose that the establishment ... -
Resource Stress and Violent Conflicts in Borderlands: Toward A Mechanism-Oriented Approach
(2024-09-19)This thesis explores how socio-ecological processes induced by resource stress in borderland contexts contribute to the dynamics of violent conflict. It adopts an actor-focused and context-sensitive approach to break down ... -
Personality traits as predictors of early alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: Mediating effects by mental health and gender-specific patterns
(Addictive Behaviors, 2019)The aim of this study was to predict alcohol inebriation and mental health (internalizing and externalizing problems plus well-being), and potential gender-specific patterns among young adolescents, by a biopsychosocial ... -
Strategiska samarbeten – roller, relationer och risker i mellankommunala samarbeten
(2024-08-22)In the Swedish public sector, there is an ongoing strategic discussion about the need for larger contexts. These discussions often point in one direction—more collaboration between municipalities. Strategic collaborations ... -
Clients of God - Exploring how hierarchical religious bonds shape political behaviour
(2024-08-19)One of the perennial questions of political science is how people decide which candidate to vote for. In the context of developing democracies one dominant explanation is clientelism, where clients sell their votes in ... -
ARBETE OCH PENSIONERING - Uppfattningar bland medarbetare i Göteborgs stad 2024
(Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, 2024)Bakgrund: Den här rapporten fokuserar på anställda 55 år och äldre i Göteborgs stad och deras upplevelse av arbete, hälsa och pensionering. Syfte: Syftet med enkätundersökningen är att undersöka medarbetarnas uppfattningar ... -
Att översätta idéer om hållbarhet till praktik
(2024-08-12)This thesis is about sustainability work, which is a highly topical issue in social and political arenas. It is associated with many challenges and contradictions, partly because the vagueness of the concept opens up to a ... -
Levnadsvillkor i bostadsområden med socioekonomiska utmaningar: Resultat ifrån medborgarforskningsprojektet EMPOWER med fokus på Bergsjön i Göteborg
(2024)Rapporten handlar om boendeförhållande, lokalt inflytande och engagemang i bostadsområden med socioekonomiska utmaningar med fokus på hur boende i Bergsjön beskriver levnadsvillkor, bostäder och möjligheter till delaktighet ... -
Why and how to engage regional stakeholders in fisheries development. Catalogue of Lessons
(2024)This report or “Catalogue of lessons" is an outcome of the FORMAS financed project Fishing for solutions: from research to practical experiments for setting common goals for rural coastal development in Sweden (FORMAS ...