Faculty of Social Science / Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten
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Recent Submissions
Mass support for conserving 30% of the Earth by 2030: Experimental evidence from five continents
(2024-12)Rapid global expansion of protected areas is critical for safeguarding biodiversity but depends on political action for successful implementation. Following ratification of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, ... -
Protected Areas and Spillovers on Corruption
(2024-12)Do nature protected area (PA) establishments change local corruption levels? This article presents a theory of spatial spillovers, predicting (a) less corruption in areas inside protection, through increased government oversight ... -
Public Resources and Accountability: Experimental Evidence
(2024-12)Recent political economy research indicates that the well-known positive relationship between taxation and accountability may be driven not by the source of revenues per se but by citizens’ expectations regarding how ... -
Working Class Power: The Decline and Reconfiguration of Trade Union Power Resources in the 21st Century
(2024-12-10)This thesis comprises four studies investigating the formation, uses, and interactions of trade union power resources. By applying a longitudinal approach, the studies analyse a variety of outcomes associated with four ... -
The Causes and Consequences of Government Concessions to Protests
(2024-12-10)Political street protests are a prominent form of political participation worldwide that transcends political regimes and ideologies. When governments give in to protesters' demands and grant concessions, these concessions ... -
Beyond the Border: International pressures and state-building
(2024-12-10)States vary tremendously in their ability to effectively implement decisions. Moreover, such differences in “state capacity” exist not only between countries, but also within the territories that states claim to govern. ... -
Minnen från arbetslivet under Covid-19-pandemin utifrån funktionsrättsperspektiv
(2024)Den här boken delar minnen och berättelser från personer med olika former av funktionsnedsättningar om deras arbetsliv under pandemin. Berättelserna samlades in som en del av forskningsprojektet "Arbetsliv under ... -
Is unequal responsiveness caused by high-income earners having more informed opinions?: An empirical test.
(2024-11)Previous research has shown that the affluent see more of their preferred policies realized, which scholars of opinion—policy responsiveness attribute to unequal influence. A rival theory instead states that the reason ... -
Asymmetric Responsiveness: The Effects of Protesters’ Demographics and Policy Preferences on the Political Agenda
(2024-11)Previous research predicts that politicians are responsive to citizens with whom they share demographics or policy preferences. I argue that protests are particularly susceptible to politicians’ di!erential responsiveness. ... -
Individual-Level Determinants of Corruption Perception in Five Areas of Public Life in Sweden Evidence from 2022 SOM Survey
(2024-11)Corruption perceptions are not only shared social norms shaped by societal dynamics, but they also reflections of individual experiences, values, and viewpoints. This study examines the relationship between a set of ... -
Muslimer, skolan och förorten: Muslimska gymnasieelevers orienteringar och strävan efter erkännande
(2024-11-26)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Muslim students in upper-secondary schools experience their education, and how their experiences influence educational strategies, such as choice ... -
(Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation (JMG), Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet, 2024-11) -
Kvalitetsdialog på vetenskaplig grund - för en stärkt ansvarsfunktion
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2023) -
Resisting the Return of Military Rule - Coalition Building, Armed Struggle and Governance by Myanmar’s Spring Revolution Movement
(2024-11-05)Social movements are a powerful form of collective struggle for democratic change that often involves a strategy of nonviolence. When met with harsh repression protest movements can escalate to armed resistance, while ... -
Chasing Gold, Overlooking Welfare: Exposure to Wealth in Everyday Life and Support for Social Spending.
(2024-10-25)According to conventional wisdom, exposure to wealth in everyday life decreases subjective economic status, resulting in higher support for redistribution and social spending among less-affluent citizens. However, sociological ... -
The Aftermath of Mass Starvation: Rethinking the Politics of Accountability for and Commemoration of Famines in Africa
(2024-10-23)Famines have a deep socio-economic and political impact on states and societies and have recurrently occurred in many African countries. The aftermath of famines draws attention to important questions about accountability ... -
Children of the State: Ideological Education Increases Support for Autocratic Leadership
(2024-10)How does exposure to authoritarian content in education affect support for autocratic leadership? While higher levels of education are linked to less support for autocratic leadership, states often leverage education to ... -
Pedagogik som främjar studenters teoretiska och analytiska förmågor
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2024)Föreliggande arbete lägger fokus på att undersöka vilka pedagogiska modeller och begrepp som skulle kunna användas för att utveckla analysförmågan och teoritillämpningsförmågan hos högskolestudenter. Arbetet bygger på en ... -
Regional utvecklingskapacitet – forskningsläge och politiska vägval
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2024)Regionalt kapacitetsbyggande har under senare år kommit att prägla många analyser och strategier som tagits fram av både nationella regeringar och internationella organ som OECD och EU. I Sverige har frågor om kapacitetsbyggande ... -
Kommunernas makt. Den kommunala självstyrelsen i det svenska statsskicket
(Medströms Bokförlag, 2024)Den kommunala självstyrelsen är ett av de mest grundläggande koncepten i regeringsformen men också ett av de mest ifrågasatta. Följande analys, med utgångspunkt i spänningen mellan demokratiska och legalistiska perspektiv, ...