Faculty of Social Science / Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten
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Personality traits as predictors of early alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: Mediating effects by mental health and gender-specific patterns
(Addictive Behaviors, 2019)The aim of this study was to predict alcohol inebriation and mental health (internalizing and externalizing problems plus well-being), and potential gender-specific patterns among young adolescents, by a biopsychosocial ... -
Strategiska samarbeten – roller, relationer och risker i mellankommunala samarbeten
(2024-08-22)In the Swedish public sector, there is an ongoing strategic discussion about the need for larger contexts. These discussions often point in one direction—more collaboration between municipalities. Strategic collaborations ... -
Clients of God - Exploring how hierarchical religious bonds shape political behaviour
(2024-08-19)One of the perennial questions of political science is how people decide which candidate to vote for. In the context of developing democracies one dominant explanation is clientelism, where clients sell their votes in ... -
ARBETE OCH PENSIONERING - Uppfattningar bland medarbetare i Göteborgs stad 2024
(Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, 2024)Bakgrund: Den här rapporten fokuserar på anställda 55 år och äldre i Göteborgs stad och deras upplevelse av arbete, hälsa och pensionering. Syfte: Syftet med enkätundersökningen är att undersöka medarbetarnas uppfattningar ... -
Att översätta idéer om hållbarhet till praktik
(2024-08-12)This thesis is about sustainability work, which is a highly topical issue in social and political arenas. It is associated with many challenges and contradictions, partly because the vagueness of the concept opens up to a ... -
Levnadsvillkor i bostadsområden med socioekonomiska utmaningar: Resultat ifrån medborgarforskningsprojektet EMPOWER med fokus på Bergsjön i Göteborg
(2024)Rapporten handlar om boendeförhållande, lokalt inflytande och engagemang i bostadsområden med socioekonomiska utmaningar med fokus på hur boende i Bergsjön beskriver levnadsvillkor, bostäder och möjligheter till delaktighet ... -
Why and how to engage regional stakeholders in fisheries development. Catalogue of Lessons
(2024)This report or “Catalogue of lessons" is an outcome of the FORMAS financed project Fishing for solutions: from research to practical experiments for setting common goals for rural coastal development in Sweden (FORMAS ... -
Väljarna och valet 2022
(2024)"Väljarna och valet 2022 är en samlad analys av det svenska riksdagsvalet 2022. Med utgångspunkt i Valforskningsprogrammets undersökningar studeras de svenska väljarnas upplevelser, överväganden och röstningsmotiv. ... -
Alkoholpolitiken som styrmedel – Tabellbilaga
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2024) -
Bugs and Bureaucracies: Institutions, Administrative Autonomy, and the Governance of Antibiotic Resistance
(2024-05-20)This dissertation investigates how variations in civil service arrangements among European states impact concerted governance over antibiotic resistance. Through four standalone research papers, it demonstrates that different ... -
Irritability and anger: Insights From Non-Clinical Samples and Patients with Premenstrual Dysphoria
(2024-05-16)Feelings of irritability or anger are common experiences, both in healthy individuals and in those with pathological conditions. However, the explication and operationalization of the differences and similarities between ... -
Ett självmatande maskineri. En etnografisk studie av kommunikationsverksamheten i en svensk myndighet.
(2024-05-14)I denna avhandling undersöks kommunikation som ett samtida fenomen i offentlig förvaltning. Studien har en etnografisk ansats och det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom observationer av kommunikationsverksamheten ... -
Solidarity in social policy – the extent of drain risk
(Sveriges Sociologförbund, 2024)Solidarity is expected to be expressed in concrete action in specific situations. In modern wel- fare states, however, it has been made abstract in order to appeal to all citizens. Abstraction increases the risk that ... -
The Impact of Corruption on Climate Change Mitigation
(2024-05)This is a review of the rapidly growing literature on how corruption affects climate change mitigation, focusing both on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sinks. Analyzing 200 studies, we document that corruption hampers ... -
Peer Sexual Harassment in the Transition from Childhood to Adolescence
(2024-04-25)Peer sexual harassment is common among adolescents at school and is associated with adverse psychological outcomes for those involved. Despite this, research on peer sexual harassment in the transition from childhood to ... -
Tid för tillit? Om styrning, kontroll och inflytande i äldreomsorgen
(2024-04-25)Avhandlingens utgångspunkt är den övergripande styrningen av välfärdssektorn och den kritik mot New Public Management (NPM) som ökat intresset för en mer tillitsbaserad styrning i Sverige. Kontexten för avhandlingen är ... -
On People and Their Passions: The Role of Identities and Emotions in Radical Political Behavior
(2024-04-25)Abundant evidence suggests that identities and emotions motivate individuals to engage in two recently prominent political behaviors: radical right support and affective polarization. This dissertation integrates this ... -
Gendered Dynamics of Child Protection in UN Peacekeeping
(2024-04-24)Since the mid-1990s, the United Nations (UN) has developed a substantial chil-dren and armed conflict (CAAC) agenda, aimed at preventing and responding to the Six Grave Violations of children’s rights: killing and maiming, ...